Thursday, June 27, 2013


Code No:  RR310202                     RR           Set No.   2



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS Electrical And Electronics Engineering

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1.   (a)  Explain the different types of tests that  are carried on a single phase induction

type watt  hour meters.  Describe the long period dial test.


(b)  A 230V, 1φ, watt  hour  meter  has a constant  load of 4A passing through  it for 6 hours at unity  pf.  If the meter  disc makes 2208 revolutions  during this period.   What  is the  meter  constant  in revolutions  per kwh?  Calculate  the pf of the load if the number  of revolutions  made by the meter are 1472 when operating  at 230V & 5A for 4 hours.                                                            [8+8]


2.   (a)  In Maxwell's Inductance-capacitance bridge the dial of variable capacitor  can

be made to read the value of unknown inductance  directly?  How is it done?


(b)  A Maxwell's inductance  capacitance  bridge  is used to measure  an unknown

inductance  in comparison with capacitance.

The various values at balance are

R2  of arm ad =400Ω

R3  of arm bc = 600Ω

R4  and C4  of arm cd = 1000Ω, 0.5 µ

Calculate  the values of R1  and L1  of arm ab  and also the value of storage

(Φ) factor of coil if requency is 1000Hz.                                                      [8+8]


3.   (a)  Show that  in two wattmeter method  of 3 phase power measurement the sum of the readings of the two wattmeters gives the total  power consumed in a 3

Text Box: W  +W
phase circuit.  Hence prove tan θ =3 W1 W2

1          2

where φ is the phase angle of the

load and  w1 and w2 are the readings of the wattmeters.


(b)  In a balanced three phase system power is measured by two wattmeter method

& the  ratio  of two  wattmeter readings  is 2:1 Determine  the  power factor  of

the system & deduce the relation  used.                                                        [8+8]


4.   (a)  What  are permeameters? Explain the working of a Hopkinson permeameter.


(b)  Explain  the  different  methodologies  used  for testing  the  bar  specimens  as

compared to the ring specimens with respect to magnetic  materials.       [8+8]


5. Describe the  construction  and  working of a polar  type potentiometer.  How is it standardized?  What  are the  functions  of the  transfer  instrument and  the  phase shifting transformer?                                                                                            [16]


6.   (a)  Explain the working of a moving iron ammeter with the help of a neat diagram.

Derive the  expression for the  deflecting torque  of a moving iron ammeter  in

terms of current and rate  of change of inductance  with deflection.




Code No:  RR310202                     RR           Set No.   2



(b)  What  are  the  main  sources  of errors  in  the  above instrument? specify the methods adopted  to reduce the same.                                                                          [8+8]


7.   (a)  Explain  how the  range  of electrostatic  voltmeters  can be extended  by using

Resistance and Capacitance  potential  dividers.


(b)  An electrostatic  voltmeter  consists of two  attracted plates  one movable and the other  fixed. Both the plates are provided with guard rings so as to make edge effects negligible. It is observed that  the application  of 10kV between the plates results in a pull of 103 N on the movable plate.  Find the change in capacitance  resulting  from change in position of the  movable plate  by 1mm. Diameter  of movable plate is 100mm.                                                          [8+8]


8.   (a)  Explain  the  construction   and  working of a Moving Iron  type  power factor



(b)  Describe the construction  and working of Weston type synchroscope.     [8+8]



? ? ? ? ?













































Code No:  RR310202                     RR           Set No.   4



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS Electrical And Electronics Engineering

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1. Describe the  construction  and  working of a polar  type potentiometer.  How is it standardized?  What  are the  functions  of the  transfer  instrument and  the  phase shifting transformer?                                                                                            [16]


2.   (a)  What  are permeameters? Explain the working of a Hopkinson permeameter. (b)  Explain  the  different  methodologies  used  for testing  the  bar  specimens  as

compared to the ring specimens with respect to magnetic  materials.       [8+8]


3.   (a)  Explain the working of a moving iron ammeter with the help of a neat diagram.

Derive the  expression for the  deflecting torque  of a moving iron ammeter  in terms of current and rate  of change of inductance  with deflection.

(b)  What  are  the  main  sources  of errors  in  the  above instrument? specify the  methods

adopted  to reduce the same.                                                                          [8+8]


4.   (a)  In Maxwell's Inductance-capacitance bridge the dial of variable capacitor  can

be made to read the value of unknown inductance  directly?  How is it done?

(b)  A Maxwell's inductance  capacitance  bridge  is used to measure  an unknown

inductance  in comparison with capacitance. The various values at balance are

R2  of arm ad =400Ω

R3  of arm bc = 600Ω

R4  and C4  of arm cd = 1000Ω, 0.5 µ

Calculate  the values of R1  and L1  of arm ab and also the value of storage

(Φ) factor of coil if requency is 1000Hz.                                                      [8+8]


5.   (a)  Show that  in two wattmeter method  of 3 phase power measurement the sum of the readings of the two wattmeters gives the total  power consumed in a 3

Text Box: W  +W
phase circuit.  Hence prove tan θ =3 W1 W2

1          2

where φ is the phase angle of the

load and w1 and w2 are the readings of the wattmeters.

(b)  In balanced three phase system power is measured by two wattmeter method

& the  ratio  of two  wattmeter readings  is 2:1 Determine  the  power factor  of

the system & deduce the relation  used.                                                        [8+8]


6.   (a)  Explain  the  construction   and  working of a Moving Iron  type  power factor


(b)  Describe the construction  and working of Weston type synchroscope.     [8+8]


7.   (a)  Explain the different types of tests that  are carried on a single phase induction type watt  hour meters.  Describe the long period dial test.




Code No:  RR310202                     RR           Set No.   4



(b)  A 230V, 1φ, watt  hour  meter  has a constant  load of 4A passing through  it for 6 hours at unity  pf.  If the meter  disc makes 2208 revolutions  during this period.   What  is the  meter  constant  in revolutions  per kwh?  Calculate  the pf of the load if the number  of revolutions  made by the meter are 1472 when operating  at 230V & 5A for 4 hours.                                                            [8+8]


8.   (a)  Explain  how the  range  of electrostatic  voltmeters  can be extended  by using

Resistance and Capacitance  potential  dividers.


(b)  An electrostatic  voltmeter  consists of two  attracted plates  one movable and the other  fixed. Both the plates are provided with guard rings so as to make edge effects negligible. It is observed that  the application  of 10kV between the plates results in a pull of 103 N on the movable plate.  Find the change in capacitance  resulting  from change in position of the  movable plate  by 1mm. Diameter  of movable plate is 100mm.                                                          [8+8]



? ? ? ? ?















































Code No:  RR310202                     RR           Set No.   1



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS Electrical And Electronics Engineering

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1.   (a)  Show that  in two wattmeter method  of 3 phase power measurement the sum

of the readings of the two wattmeters gives the total  power consumed in a 3

Text Box: W  +W
phase circuit.  Hence prove tan θ =3 W1 W2

1          2

where φ is the phase angle of the

load and w1 and w2 are the readings of the wattmeters.


(b)  In balanced three phase system power is measured by two wattmeter method

& the  ratio  of two  wattmeter readings  is 2:1 Determine  the  power factor  of the system & deduce the relation  used.                                                        [8+8]


2.   (a)  Explain  how the  range  of electrostatic  voltmeters  can be extended  by using

Resistance and Capacitance  potential  dividers.


(b)  An electrostatic  voltmeter  consists of two  attracted plates  one movable and the other  fixed. Both the plates are provided with guard rings so as to make edge effects negligible. It is observed that  the application  of 10kV between the plates results in a pull of 103 N on the movable plate.  Find the change in capacitance  resulting  from change in position of the  movable plate  by 1mm. Diameter  of movable plate is 100mm.                                                          [8+8]


3.   (a)  Explain  the  construction   and  working of a Moving Iron  type  power factor meters.


(b)  Describe the construction  and working of Weston type synchroscope.     [8+8]

4.   (a)  What  are permeameters? Explain the working of a Hopkinson permeameter. (b)  Explain  the  different  methodologies  used  for testing  the  bar  specimens  as

compared to the ring specimens with respect to magnetic  materials.       [8+8]


5.   (a)  Explain the different types of tests that  are carried on a single phase induction type watt  hour meters.  Describe the long period dial test.


(b)  A 230V, 1φ, watt  hour  meter  has a constant  load of 4A passing through  it for 6 hours at unity  pf.  If the meter  disc makes 2208 revolutions  during this period.   What  is the  meter  constant  in revolutions  per kwh?  Calculate  the pf of the load if the number  of revolutions  made by the meter are 1472 when operating  at 230V & 5A for 4 hours.                                                            [8+8]


6. Describe the  construction  and  working of a polar  type potentiometer.  How is it standardized?  What  are the  functions  of the  transfer  instrument and  the  phase shifting transformer?                                                                                            [16]






Code No:  RR310202                     RR           Set No.   1



7.   (a)  Explain the working of a moving iron ammeter with the help of a neat diagram.

Derive the  expression for the  deflecting torque  of a moving iron ammeter  in terms of current and rate  of change of inductance  with deflection.


(b)  What  are  the  main  sources  of errors  in  the  above instrument? specify the  methods adopted  to reduce the same.                                                                          [8+8]


8.   (a)  In Maxwell's Inductance-capacitance bridge the dial of variable capacitor  can be made to read the value of unknown inductance  directly?  How is it done?


(b)  A Maxwell's inductance  capacitance  bridge  is used to measure  an unknown

inductance  in comparison with capacitance. The various values at balance are

R2  of arm ad =400Ω

R3  of arm bc = 600Ω

R4  and C4  of arm cd = 1000Ω, 0.5 µ

Calculate  the values of R1  and L1  of arm ab and also the value of storage

(Φ) factor of coil if requency is 1000Hz.                                                      [8+8]



? ? ? ? ?











































Code No:  RR310202                     RR           Set No.   3



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS Electrical And Electronics Engineering

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1. Describe the  construction  and  working of a polar  type potentiometer.  How is it standardized?  What  are the  functions  of the  transfer  instrument and  the  phase shifting transformer?                                                                                            [16]


2.   (a)  What  are permeameters? Explain the working of a Hopkinson permeameter. (b)  Explain  the  different  methodologies  used  for testing  the  bar  specimens  as

compared to the ring specimens with respect to magnetic  materials.       [8+8]


3.   (a)  Explain the different types of tests that  are carried on a single phase induction type watt  hour meters.  Describe the long period dial test.

(b)  A 230V, 1φ, watt  hour  meter  has a constant  load of 4A passing through  it for 6 hours at unity  pf.  If the meter  disc makes 2208 revolutions  during this period.   What  is the  meter  constant  in revolutions  per kwh?  Calculate  the pf of the load if the number  of revolutions  made by the meter are 1472 when operating  at 230V & 5A for 4 hours.                                                            [8+8]


4.   (a)  Explain  the  construction   and  working of a Moving Iron  type  power factor


(b)  Describe the construction  and working of Weston type synchroscope.     [8+8]


5.   (a)  Show that  in two wattmeter method  of 3 phase power measurement the sum of the readings of the two wattmeters gives the total  power consumed in a 3

Text Box: W  +W
phase circuit.  Hence prove tan θ =3 W1 W2

1          2

where φ is the phase angle of the

load and w1 and w2 are the readings of the wattmeters.

(b)  In balanced three phase system power is measured by two wattmeter method

& the  ratio  of two  wattmeter readings  is 2:1 Determine  the  power factor  of

the system & deduce the relation  used.                                                        [8+8]


6.   (a)  Explain  how the  range  of electrostatic  voltmeters  can be extended  by using

Resistance and Capacitance  potential  dividers.

(b)  An electrostatic  voltmeter  consists of two  attracted plates  one movable and the other  fixed. Both the plates are provided with guard rings so as to make edge effects negligible. It is observed that  the application  of 10kV between the plates results in a pull of 103 N on the movable plate.  Find the change in capacitance  resulting  from change in position of the  movable plate  by 1mm. Diameter  of movable plate is 100mm.                                                          [8+8]


7.   (a)  In Maxwell's Inductance-capacitance bridge the dial of variable capacitor  can be made to read the value of unknown inductance  directly?  How is it done?




Code No:  RR310202                     RR           Set No.   3



(b)  A Maxwell's inductance  capacitance  bridge  is used to measure  an unknown inductance  in comparison with capacitance.

The various values at balance are

R2  of arm ad =400Ω

R3  of arm bc = 600Ω

R4  and C4  of arm cd = 1000Ω, 0.5 µ

Calculate  the values of R1  and L1  of arm ab and also the value of storage

(Φ) factor of coil if requency is 1000Hz.                                                      [8+8]


8.   (a)  Explain the working of a moving iron ammeter with the help of a neat diagram.

Derive the  expression for the  deflecting torque  of a moving iron ammeter  in

terms of current and rate  of change of inductance  with deflection.


(b)  What  are  the  main  sources  of errors  in  the above instrument? specify the  methods

adopted  to reduce the same.                                                                          [8+8]



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