Thursday, June 27, 2013


Code No:  RR311202                     RR           Set No.   2



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

COMMUNICATION THEORY Information Technology

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1.   (a)  What  is the  need  for modulation?    Derive  the  relation  between  the  ouput power of an AM transmitter and depth  of modulation.  Give output power in case of critical modulation.

(b)  The ouput  RMS current of 60% modulated  AM generator  is 1.5 A. To what values will this current rise if the generator  is modulated  additionally, by an- other audio wave whose modulation  index is 0.7? What  will be the percentage power saving if the carrier and one of the side bands are now suppressed?[8+8]


2.   (a)  Explain the principle of balanced  frequency discriminator  with its diagram. (b)  A sinusoidal modulating  wave of amplitude  10v, and frequency 5KHz is ap-

plied to a frequency modulator.   The  frequency sensitivity  of the  modulator

is 45Hz/v,  the carrier frequency is 150KHz. Calculate  its frequency deviation and modulation  index.

(c)  Show that  the average power of FM is constant.                                 [8+4+4]


3.   (a)  Derive an expression for source entropy Obtain  the  condition  for maximum entropy.

(b)  A discrete source emits one of 5 symbols once every milli second. The symbol probabilities  are  0.4, 0.2, 0.15,0.15, 0.1 respectively Determine  the  source entropy  and information  rate.                                                                      [12+4]


4.   (a)  With  reference to coding techniques,  define and explain the following terms:


i. systematic  code

ii. parity  check matrix

iii. syndrome .


(b)  Classify the different types of error control coding techniques,  and distinguish between them.                                                                                                  [8+8]


5.   (a)  Explain the basic properties  of convolution operator.


(b)  Derive Parseval's theorem.                                                                              [8+8]


6.   (a)  Give the block diagram of DM and explain clearly the procedure for generation and demodulation  of delta modulated  signals.

(b)  What  are the various types of errors that  occur in delta modulation?  Explain how they can be minimized.                                                                        [10+6]


7.   (a)  Find the autocorrelation of a non- periodic waveform of finite energy.




Code No:  RR311202                     RR           Set No.   2



(b)  Prove the following properties  of auto  correlation  function,  RX X ) for com- plex signal x(t)


i. RX X   (0) | RX   )|

Text Box: X X
ii. R

) = RX  (-τ )                                                                               [8+8]


8.   (a)  State  and prove sampling theorem in case of low pass signals.


(b)  If a signal is naturally sampled with a sample width z and with frequency ws

rad/sec. Obtain  the expression for Bandwidth.                                         [8+8]



? ? ? ? ?























































Code No:  RR311202                     RR           Set No.   4



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

COMMUNICATION THEORY Information Technology

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1.   (a)  Find the autocorrelation of a non- periodic waveform of finite energy.


(b)  Prove the following properties  of auto  correlation  function,  RX X ) for com-

plex signal x(t)


i. RX  (0) | RX   )|

Text Box: X X
ii. R

) = RX  (-τ )                                                                               [8+8]


2.   (a)  Explain the principle of balanced  frequency discriminator  with its diagram.


(b)  A sinusoidal modulating  wave of amplitude  10v, and frequency 5KHz is ap- plied to a frequency modulator.   The  frequency sensitivity  of the  modulator is 45Hz/v,  the carrier frequency is 150KHz. Calculate  its frequency deviation and modulation  index.


(c)  Show that  the average power of FM is constant.                                 [8+4+4]


3.   (a)  With  reference to coding techniques,  define and explain the following terms:


i. systematic  code

ii. parity  check matrix iii. syndrome .

(b)  Classify the different types of error control coding techniques,  and distinguish between them.                                                                                                  [8+8]


4.   (a)  State  and prove sampling theorem in case of low pass signals.


(b)  If a signal is naturally sampled with a sample width z and with frequency ws

rad/sec. Obtain  the expression for Bandwidth.                                         [8+8]


5.   (a)  Derive an expression for source entropy Obtain  the  condition  for maximum



(b)  A discrete source emits one of 5 symbols once every milli second. The symbol probabilities  are  0.4, 0.2, 0.15,0.15, 0.1 respectively Determine  the  source entropy  and information  rate.                                                                      [12+4]


6.   (a)  Give the block diagram of DM and explain clearly the procedure for generation and demodulation  of delta modulated  signals.


(b)  What  are the various types of errors that  occur in delta modulation?  Explain how they can be minimized.                                                                         [10+6]


7.   (a)  Explain the basic properties  of convolution operator.




Code No:  RR311202                     RR           Set No.   4



(b)  Derive Parseval's theorem.                                                                              [8+8]


8.   (a)  What  is the  need  for modulation?    Derive  the  relation  between  the  ouput power of an AM transmitter and depth  of modulation.  Give output power in case of critical modulation.


(b)  The ouput  RMS current of 60% modulated  AM generator  is 1.5 A. To what values will this current rise if the generator  is modulated  additionally, by an- other audio wave whose modulation  index is 0.7? What will be the percentage power saving if the carrier and one of the side bands are now suppressed?[8+8]



? ? ? ? ?






















































Code No:  RR311202                     RR           Set No.   1



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

COMMUNICATION THEORY Information Technology

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1.   (a)  Explain the principle of balanced  frequency discriminator  with its diagram. (b)  A sinusoidal modulating  wave of amplitude  10v, and frequency 5KHz is ap-

plied to a frequency modulator.   The  frequency sensitivity  of the  modulator

is 45Hz/v,  the carrier frequency is 150KHz. Calculate  its frequency deviation and modulation  index.

(c)  Show that  the average power of FM is constant.                                 [8+4+4]


2.   (a)  State  and prove sampling theorem in case of low pass signals.


(b)  If a signal is naturally sampled with a sample width z and with frequency ws

rad/sec. Obtain  the expression for Bandwidth.                                         [8+8]


3.   (a)  Derive an expression for source entropy Obtain  the  condition  for maximum entropy.

(b)  A discrete source emits one of 5 symbols once every milli second. The symbol probabilities  are  0.4, 0.2, 0.15,0.15, 0.1 respectively Determine  the  source entropy  and information  rate.                                                                      [12+4]


4.   (a)  Give the block diagram of DM and explain clearly the procedure for generation and demodulation  of delta modulated  signals.

(b)  What  are the various types of errors that  occur in delta modulation?  Explain

how they can be minimized.                                                                        [10+6]


5.   (a)  Explain the basic properties  of convolution operator.


(b)  Derive Parseval's theorem.                                                                              [8+8]


6.   (a)  What  is the  need  for modulation?    Derive  the  relation  between  the  ouput power of an AM transmitter and depth  of modulation.  Give output power in case of critical modulation.

(b)  The ouput  RMS current of 60% modulated  AM generator  is 1.5 A. To what values will this current rise if the generator  is modulated  additionally, by an- other audio wave whose modulation  index is 0.7? What  will be the percentage power saving if the carrier and one of the side bands are now suppressed?[8+8]


7.   (a)  Find the autocorrelation of a non- periodic waveform of finite energy.

(b)  Prove the following properties  of auto  correlation  function,  RX X ) for com- plex signal x(t)

i. RX  (0) | RX   )|




Code No:  RR311202                     RR           Set No.   1



Text Box: X X
ii. R

) = RX  (-τ )                                                                               [8+8]


8.   (a)  With  reference to coding techniques,  define and explain the following terms:


i. systematic  code

ii. parity  check matrix iii. syndrome .

(b)  Classify the different types of error control coding techniques,  and distinguish between them.                                                                                                  [8+8]



? ? ? ? ?






















































Code No:  RR311202                     RR           Set No.   3



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

COMMUNICATION THEORY Information Technology

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1.   (a)  Derive an expression for source entropy Obtain  the  condition  for maximum


(b)  A discrete source emits one of 5 symbols once every milli second. The symbol probabilities  are  0.4, 0.2, 0.15,0.15, 0.1 respectively Determine  the  source entropy  and information  rate.                                                                      [12+4]


2.   (a)  With  reference to coding techniques,  define and explain the following terms:

i. systematic  code

ii. parity  check matrix iii. syndrome .

(b)  Classify the different types of error control coding techniques,  and distinguish

between them.                                                                                                  [8+8]


3.   (a)  Find the autocorrelation of a non- periodic waveform of finite energy.

(b)  Prove the following properties  of auto  correlation  function,  RX X ) for com-

plex signal x(t)

i. RX  (0) | RX   )|

Text Box: X X
ii. R

) = RX  (-τ )                                                                               [8+8]


4.   (a)  Explain the principle of balanced  frequency discriminator  with its diagram. (b)  A sinusoidal modulating  wave of amplitude  10v, and frequency 5KHz is ap-

plied to a frequency modulator.   The  frequency sensitivity  of the  modulator

is 45Hz/v,  the carrier frequency is 150KHz. Calculate  its frequency deviation and modulation  index.

(c)  Show that  the average power of FM is constant.                                 [8+4+4]


5.   (a)  State  and prove sampling theorem in case of low pass signals.

(b)  If a signal is naturally sampled with a sample width z and with frequency ws

rad/sec. Obtain  the expression for Bandwidth.                                         [8+8]


6.   (a)  What  is the  need  for modulation?    Derive  the  relation  between  the  ouput power of an AM transmitter and depth  of modulation.  Give output power in case of critical modulation.

(b)  The ouput  RMS current of 60% modulated  AM generator  is 1.5 A. To what values will this current rise if the generator  is modulated  additionally, by an- other audio wave whose modulation  index is 0.7? What  will be the percentage power saving if the carrier and one of the side bands are now suppressed?[8+8]




Code No:  RR311202                     RR           Set No.   3



7.   (a)  Give the block diagram of DM and explain clearly the procedure for generation and demodulation  of delta modulated  signals.


(b)  What  are the various types of errors that  occur in delta modulation?  Explain how they can be minimized.                                                                         [10+6]


8.   (a)  Explain the basic properties  of convolution operator.


(b)  Derive Parseval's theorem.                                                                              [8+8]



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