Thursday, June 27, 2013


Code No:  R05312203                    R05          Set No.   2



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

OOPS THROUGH JAVA Instrumentation And Control Engineering

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1. What  are containers?   List various  containers.   Explain  the  usage of JPanel  with example.                                                                                                               [4+4+8]


2.   (a)  What is an array?  Why arrays are easier to use compared to a bunch of related



(b)  Write  a program  for transposition of a matrix.                                         [6+10]





3. Explain about  Object class in detail.                                                                        [16]


4.   (a)  With  the  help  of an  example,  explain  multithreading by  extending  thread class.


(b)  Implementing  Runnable  interface  and  extending  thread,  which method  you prefer for multithreading and why.                                                             [10+6]


5.   (a)  Explain the related  objects provided in java.util  package.


(b)  Use socket programming  to design a client/server application  that  takes  the password as input and checks whether it is correct.  The program should print the appropriate message.                                                                                [8+8]


6.   (a)  Write  a program  which draws a curve as mouse pointer  is moved.


(b)  Write  a program  which clears the screen when mouse button is released.


(c)  Write a program to display the position of mouse pointer when mouse button

is released.                                                                                                   [8+4+4]


7. Show that   an  inner  class  has  access to  the  private  elements  of its  outer  class.

Determine  whether  the reverse is true.                                                                     [16]


8.   (a)  How is java more secured than  other languages?


(b)  What  is multithreading? How does it improve the performance  of java?


(c)  Write  a program  to find factorial of a given number.                            [4+4+8]



? ? ? ? ?










Code No:  R05312203                    R05          Set No.   4



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

OOPS THROUGH JAVA Instrumentation And Control Engineering

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1. Show that   an  inner  class  has  access to  the  private  elements  of its  outer  class.

Determine  whether  the reverse is true.                                                                     [16]


2.   (a)  What is an array?  Why arrays are easier to use compared to a bunch of related



(b)Write a program for transposition of a matrix.                                             [6+10]


3.   (a)  How is java more secured than  other languages?


(b)  What  is multithreading? How does it improve the performance  of java?


(c)  Write  a program  to find factorial of a given number.                            [4+4+8]


4. Explain about  Object class in detail.                                                                        [16]


5.   (a)  Explain the related  objects provided in java.util  package.


(b)  Use socket programming  to design a client/server application  that  takes  the password as input and checks whether it is correct.  The program should print the appropriate message.                                                                                [8+8]


6. What  are containers?   List various  containers.   Explain  the  usage of JPanel  with example.                                                                                                               [4+4+8]


7.   (a)  With  the  help  of an  example,  explain  multithreading by  extending  thread class.


(b)  Implementing  Runnable  interface  and  extending  thread,  which method  you

prefer for multithreading and why.                                                             [10+6]


8.   (a)  Write  a program  which draws a curve as mouse pointer  is moved.


(b)  Write  a program  which clears the screen when mouse button is released.


(c)  Write a program to display the position of mouse pointer when mouse button

is released.                                                                                                   [8+4+4]



? ? ? ? ?










Code No:  R05312203                    R05          Set No.   1



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

OOPS THROUGH JAVA Instrumentation And Control Engineering

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1. Explain about  Object class in detail.                                                                        [16]


2. What  are containers?   List various  containers.   Explain  the  usage of JPanel  with example.                                                                                                               [4+4+8]


3.   (a)  Write  a program which draws a curve as mouse pointer  is moved.


(b)  Write  a program  which clears the screen when mouse button is released.


(c)  Write a program to display the position of mouse pointer when mouse button

is released.                                                                                                   [8+4+4]


4.   (a)  With  the  help  of an  example,  explain  multithreading by  extending  thread



(b)  Implementing  Runnable  interface  and  extending  thread,  which method  you

prefer for multithreading and why.                                                             [10+6]


5. Show that   an  inner  class  has  access to  the  private  elements  of its  outer  class.

Determine  whether  the reverse is true.                                                                     [16]


6.   (a)  What is an array?  Why arrays are easier to use compared to a bunch of related



(b)Write a program for transposition of a matrix.                                             [6+10]


7.   (a)  Explain the related  objects provided in java.util  package.


(b)  Use socket programming  to design a client/server application  that  takes  the password as input and checks whether it is correct.  The program should print the appropriate message.                                                                                [8+8]


8.   (a)  How is java more secured than  other languages?


(b)  What  is multithreading? How does it improve the performance  of java?


(c)  Write  a program  to find factorial of a given number.                            [4+4+8]



? ? ? ? ?










Code No:  R05312203                    R05          Set No.   3



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

OOPS THROUGH JAVA Instrumentation And Control Engineering

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1.   (a)  Explain the related  objects provided in java.util  package.


(b)  Use socket programming  to design a client/server application  that  takes  the password as input and checks whether it is correct.  The program should print the appropriate message.                                                                                [8+8]


2.   (a)  How is java more secured than  other languages?


(b)  What  is multithreading? How does it improve the performance  of java?


(c)  Write  a program  to find factorial of a given number.                            [4+4+8]


3. Explain about  Object class in detail.                                                                        [16]


4.   (a)  Write  a program which draws a curve as mouse pointer  is moved.


(b)  Write  a program  which clears the screen when mouse button is released.


(c)  Write a program to display the position of mouse pointer when mouse button is released.                                                                                                   [8+4+4]


5.   (a)  What is an array?  Why arrays are easier to use compared to a bunch of related variables?


(b) Write a program for transposition of a matrix.                                          [6+10]


6.   (a)  With  the  help  of an  example,  explain  multithreading by  extending  thread class.


(b)  Implementing  Runnable  interface  and  extending  thread,  which method  you

prefer for multithreading and why.                                                             [10+6]


7. What  are containers?   List various  containers.   Explain  the  usage of JPanel  with

example.                                                                                                               [4+4+8]


8. Show that   an  inner  class  has  access to  the  private  elements  of its  outer  class.

Determine  whether  the reverse is true.                                                                   [16]


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