Thursday, June 27, 2013


Code No:  RR312105                     RR           Set No.   2



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES-I Aeronautical Engineering

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1. Find the horizontal deflection of the frame shown at C as shown in figure3, assuming

Uniform flexural rigidity,  EI.                                                                                     [16]


Figure 3


2. Two long columns having  equal length  and similar end conditions  are of circular cross-section, one solid and the  other  hollow.  Bothe  the  columns are of the  same material  and equal weight and the external  radius of the hollow column is twice its internal  radius.  Compare  the critical loads for both the columns.                       [16]


3.   (a)  Explain shear force and bending moment with reference to beams


(b)  Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams for any four types Beams. [16]


4. Compare  the  strength  of solid circular  column  of diameter  200mm and  hollow - circular column of same cross-sectional area and thickness 30mm.The other param- eters are same for both the sections                                                                         [16]


5. A cantilever  of span 4m carries a point load 10KN at its free end .It is propped at

1m from the free end.  Find the prop reaction  at the support.                              [16]


6. All the  members of the  truss  are of equal length.  Find  the  forces in all members for the loadings shownin (figure7).                                                                           [16]




Figure 7


7. A beam-column  of span  L, which is hinged  at  one end  and  roller supported  at the  other  end is subjected  to axial compressive load P at  the  ends followed by a transverse  UVL 'w' per unit length over the entire span


(a)  Write  the beam column equations  considering buckling at section


(b)  Give the boundary  conditions                                                                           [16]


8. A cantilever  beam of span L is subjected  to clockwise moment M At the free end.

Find  the slope and deflection at  the free end , assuming uniform flexural rigidity, EI.                                                                                                                                [16]



? ? ? ? ?































Code No:  RR312105                     RR           Set No.   4



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES-I Aeronautical Engineering

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1.   (a)  Explain shear force and bending moment with reference to beams


(b)  Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams for any four types Beams. [16]


2. A cantilever  beam of span L is subjected  to clockwise moment M At the free end.

Find  the slope and deflection at  the free end , assuming uniform flexural rigidity, EI.                                                                                                                                 [16]


3. Find the horizontal deflection of the frame shown at C as shown in figure3, assuming

Uniform flexural rigidity,  EI.                                                                                     [16]


Figure 3


4. Compare  the  strength  of solid circular  column  of diameter  200mm and  hollow - circular column of same cross-sectional area and thickness 30mm.The other param- eters are same for both the sections                                                                         [16]


5. A beam-column  of span  L, which is hinged  at  one end  and  roller supported  at the  other  end is subjected  to axial compressive load P at  the  ends followed by a transverse  UVL 'w' per unit length over the entire span


(a)  Write  the beam column equations  considering buckling at section


(b)  Give the boundary  conditions                                                                           [16]


6. Two long columns having  equal length  and similar end conditions  are of circular cross-section, one solid and the  other  hollow.  Bothe  the  columns are of the  same material  and equal weight and the external  radius of the hollow column is twice its internal  radius.  Compare  the critical loads for both the columns.                       [16]




Code No:  RR312105                     RR           Set No.   4



7. All the  members of the  truss  are of equal length.  Find  the  forces in all members for the loadings shownin (figure7).                                                                           [16]

Figure 7


8. A cantilever  of span 4m carries a point load 10KN at its free end .It is propped at

1m from the free end.  Find the prop reaction  at the support.                             [16]



? ? ? ? ?






































Code No:  RR312105                     RR           Set No.   1



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES-I Aeronautical Engineering

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1. Two long columns having  equal length  and similar end conditions  are of circular cross-section, one solid and the  other  hollow.  Bothe  the  columns are of the  same material  and equal weight and the external  radius of the hollow column is twice its internal  radius.  Compare  the critical loads for both the columns.                       [16]


2. All the  members of the  truss  are of equal length.  Find  the  forces in all members for the loadings shownin (figure7).                                                                           [16]

Figure 7


3.   (a)  Explain shear force and bending moment with reference to beams


(b)  Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams for any four types Beams. [16]


4. Find the horizontal deflection of the frame shown at C as shown in figure3, assuming

Uniform flexural rigidity,  EI.                                                                                     [16]

















Code No:  RR312105                     RR           Set No.   1



Figure 3


5. Compare  the  strength  of solid circular  column  of diameter  200mm and  hollow - circular column of same cross-sectional area and thickness 30mm.The other param- eters are same for both the sections                                                                         [16]


6. A cantilever  of span 4m carries a point load 10KN at its free end .It is propped at

1m from the free end.  Find the prop reaction  at the support.                              [16]


7. A beam-column  of span  L, which is hinged  at  one end  and  roller supported  at the  other  end is subjected  to axial compressive load P at  the  ends followed by a transverse  UVL 'w' per unit length over the entire span


(a)  Write  the beam column equations  considering buckling at section


(b)  Give the boundary  conditions                                                                           [16]


8. A cantilever  beam of span L is subjected  to clockwise moment M At the free end.

Find  the slope and deflection at  the free end , assuming uniform flexural rigidity, EI.                                                                                                                                [16]



? ? ? ? ?

























Code No:  RR312105                     RR           Set No.   3



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES-I Aeronautical Engineering

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1. A cantilever  of span 4m carries a point load 10KN at its free end .It is propped at

1m from the free end.  Find the prop reaction  at the support.                              [16]


2. Two long columns having  equal length  and similar end conditions  are of circular cross-section, one solid and the  other  hollow.  Bothe  the  columns are of the  same material  and equal weight and the external  radius of the hollow column is twice its internal  radius.  Compare  the critical loads for both the columns.                       [16]


3. Find the horizontal deflection of the frame shown at C as shown in figure3, assuming

Uniform flexural rigidity,  EI.                                                                                     [16]


Figure 3


4. A cantilever  beam of span L is subjected  to clockwise moment M At the free end.

Find  the slope and deflection at  the free end , assuming uniform flexural rigidity, EI.                                                                                                                                 [16]


5. Compare  the  strength  of solid circular  column  of diameter  200mm and  hollow - circular column of same cross-sectional area and thickness 30mm.The other param- eters are same for both the sections                                                                         [16]


6. A beam-column  of span  L, which is hinged  at  one end  and  roller supported  at the  other  end is subjected  to axial compressive load P at  the  ends followed by a transverse  UVL 'w' per unit length over the entire span


(a)  Write  the beam column equations  considering buckling at section


(b)  Give the boundary  conditions                                                                           [16]






Code No:  RR312105                     RR           Set No.   3



7.     All the  members of the  truss  are of equal length.  Find  the forces in all members for the loadings shownin (figure7).                                                                           [16]


Figure 7


8.   (a)  Explain shear force and bending moment with reference to beams


(b)  Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams for any four types Beams. [16]



? ? ? ? ?




































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