Code No: R05312102 R05 Set No. 2
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010
FLIGHT MECHANICS-I Aeronautical Engineering
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Define the terms:
i. landing ground run and ii. landing distance.
Explain with sketches/ diagrams. Explain the variation of all the forces in the process of landing with a single plot for an airplane.
(b) What are the means adopted for reducing the landing run of airplanes? Ex- plain such methods with the problem treated as an engineering one. [8+8]
2. Describe the long range ballistic trajectory of ICBMs. What are its launching problems? Make use of sketches and plots to explain it. Explain the procedure for estimating the powered flight phase of this kind of trajectory. [16]
3. Compare the total drag of a military airplane having external stores with a com- mercial jet liner with conventional tractor engines below the wing. Advance your arguments with aerodynamic theory, supported by sketches and plots. [16]
4. A rigid body having a reference frame Oxyz moves with respect to a fixed reference frame Ωξηζ . Prove that the distribution of velocities at a point P within the rigid body is given by the expression
V = Vo + ω × OP
and that the equation of forces is given by
F = mao + ω˙ × R OP dm + ω × (ω × R OP dm)
m m
5. (a) Explain the compressibility of air with a common example and hence define the compressibility of a fluid. What is its significance in aerodynamics?
(b) It is normally seen that a supersonic nozzle acts as a subsonic diffuser. Verify
the statement with aerodynamic considerations. [8+8]
6. (a) Describe the airfoil section geometry represented by NACA 2415. Plot the lift curve and explain laminar flow and separation of flow over this section. Make use of sketches and plots.
(b) Describe the formation of vortex system over an airfoil placed in an air stream at moderate angle of attack . [8+8]
7. Consider a system of rotations from the body to the wind axes with reference to the flight of an airplane over a flat Earth. Work out a matrix for the angular relationship between
Code No: R05312102 R05 Set No. 2
(a) wind axis to Body axis.
(b) Wind axis to local horizon axis [8+8]
8. An airplane weighing 160,000 N has a wing area of 41.5 m2 . At a flight speed of
100 m/s, the engines give a total thrust of 27,000 N. If the drag polar is CD =
0.014 + 0.05C 2 , find the angle and rate of climb at sea level at 100 m/s. Explain
the procedure adopted.
? ? ? ? ?
Code No: R05312102 R05 Set No. 4
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010
FLIGHT MECHANICS-I Aeronautical Engineering
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. An airplane weighing 160,000 N has a wing area of 41.5 m2 . At a flight speed of
100 m/s, the engines give a total thrust of 27,000 N. If the drag polar is CD =
0.014 + 0.05C 2 , find the angle and rate of climb at sea level at 100 m/s. Explain
the procedure adopted.
2. (a) Define the terms:
i. landing ground run and
ii. landing distance.
Explain with sketches/ diagrams. Explain the variation of all the forces in the process of landing with a single plot for an airplane.
(b) What are the means adopted for reducing the landing run of airplanes? Ex- plain such methods with the problem treated as an engineering one. [8+8]
3. Describe the long range ballistic trajectory of ICBMs. What are its launching problems? Make use of sketches and plots to explain it. Explain the procedure for estimating the powered flight phase of this kind of trajectory. [16]
4. Consider a system of rotations from the body to the wind axes with reference to the flight of an airplane over a flat Earth. Work out a matrix for the angular relationship between
(a) wind axis to Body axis.
(b) Wind axis to local horizon axis [8+8]
5. Compare the total drag of a military airplane having external stores with a com- mercial jet liner with conventional tractor engines below the wing. Advance your arguments with aerodynamic theory, supported by sketches and plots. [16]
6. A rigid body having a reference frame Oxyz moves with respect to a fixed reference frame Ωξηζ . Prove that the distribution of velocities at a point P within the rigid body is given by the expression
V = Vo + ω × OP
and that the equation of forces is given by
F = mao + ω˙ × R OP dm + ω × (ω × R OP dm)
m m
7. (a) Describe the airfoil section geometry represented by NACA 2415.Plot the lift curve and explain laminar flow and separation of flow over this section. Make use of sketches and plots.
Code No: R05312102 R05 Set No. 4
(b) Describe the formation of vortex system over an airfoil placed in an air stream at moderate angle of attack . [8+8]
8. (a) Explain the compressibility of air with a common example and hence define the compressibility of a fluid. What is its significance in aerodynamics?
(b) It is normally seen that a supersonic nozzle acts as a subsonic diffuser. Verify the statement with aerodynamic considerations. [8+8]
? ? ? ? ?
Code No: R05312102 R05 Set No. 1
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010
FLIGHT MECHANICS-I Aeronautical Engineering
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. Consider a system of rotations from the body to the wind axes with reference to the flight of an airplane over a flat Earth. Work out a matrix for the angular relationship between
(a) wind axis to Body axis.
(b) Wind axis to local horizon axis [8+8]
2. Compare the total drag of a military airplane having external stores with a com- mercial jet liner with conventional tractor engines below the wing. Advance your arguments with aerodynamic theory, supported by sketches and plots. [16]
3. A rigid body having a reference frame Oxyz moves with respect to a fixed reference frame Ωξηζ . Prove that the distribution of velocities at a point P within the rigid body is given by the expression
V = Vo + ω × OP
and that the equation of forces is given by
F = mao + ω˙ × R OP dm + ω × (ω × R OP dm)
m m
4. Describe the long range ballistic trajectory of ICBMs. What are its launching problems? Make use of sketches and plots to explain it. Explain the procedure for estimating the powered flight phase of this kind of trajectory. [16]
5. (a) Explain the compressibility of air with a common example and hence define the compressibility of a fluid. What is its significance in aerodynamics?
(b) It is normally seen that a supersonic nozzle acts as a subsonic diffuser. Verify the statement with aerodynamic considerations. [8+8]
6. (a) Describe the airfoil section geometry represented by NACA 2415. Plot the lift curve and explain laminar flow and separation of flow over this section. Make use of sketches and plots.
(b) Describe the formation of vortex system over an airfoil placed in an air stream
at moderate angle of attack . [8+8]
7. (a) Define the terms:
i. landing ground run and ii. landing distance.
Code No: R05312102 R05 Set No. 1
Explain with sketches/ diagrams. Explain the variation of all the forces in the process of landing with a single plot for an airplane.
(b) What are the means adopted for reducing the landing run of airplanes? Ex- plain such methods with the problem treated as an engineering one. [8+8]
8. An airplane weighing 160,000 N has a wing area of 41.5 m2 . At a flight speed of
100 m/s, the engines give a total thrust of 27,000 N. If the drag polar is CD =
0.014 + 0.05C 2 , find the angle and rate of climb at sea level at 100 m/s. Explain
the procedure adopted.
? ? ? ? ?
Code No: R05312102 R05 Set No. 3
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010
FLIGHT MECHANICS-I Aeronautical Engineering
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Explain the compressibility of air with a common example and hence define the compressibility of a fluid. What is its significance in aerodynamics?
(b) It is normally seen that a supersonic nozzle acts as a subsonic diffuser. Verify the statement with aerodynamic considerations. [8+8]
2. Compare the total drag of a military airplane having external stores with a com- mercial jet liner with conventional tractor engines below the wing. Advance your arguments with aerodynamic theory, supported by sketches and plots. [16]
3. (a) Describe the airfoil section geometry represented by NACA 2415. Plot the lift curve and explain laminar flow and separation of flow over this section. Make use of sketches and plots.
(b) Describe the formation of vortex system over an airfoil placed in an air stream
at moderate angle of attack . [8+8]
4. Consider a system of rotations from the body to the wind axes with reference to the flight of an airplane over a flat Earth. Work out a matrix for the angular relationship between
(a) wind axis to Body axis.
(b) Wind axis to local horizon axis [8+8]
5. Describe the long range ballistic trajectory of ICBMs. What are its launching problems? Make use of sketches and plots to explain it. Explain the procedure for estimating the powered flight phase of this kind of trajectory. [16]
6. An airplane weighing 160,000 N has a wing area of 41.5 m2. At a flight speed of
100 m/s, the engines give a total thrust of 27,000 N. If the drag polar is CD =
0.014 + 0.05C 2 , find the angle and rate of climb at sea level at 100 m/s. Explain
the procedure adopted.
7. A rigid body having a reference frame Oxyz moves with respect to a fixed reference frame Ωξηζ . Prove that the distribution of velocities at a point P within the rigid body is given by the expression
V = Vo + ω × OP
and that the equation of forces is given by
F = mao + ω˙ × R OP dm + ω × (ω × R OP dm)
m m
Code No: R05312102 R05 Set No. 3
8. (a) Define the terms:
i. landing ground run and ii. landing distance.
Explain with sketches/ diagrams. Explain the variation of all the forces in the process of landing with a single plot for an airplane.
(b) What are the means adopted for reducing the landing run of airplanes? Ex- plain such methods with the problem treated as an engineering one. [8+8]
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