Thursday, June 27, 2013


Code No:  R05311801                    R05          Set No.   2



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Metallurgy And Material Technology

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1.   (a)  How do you classify induction  motors? Give the constructional details  of them.

Text Box: X
(b)  A 3-Φ Induction  motor  with   R2



= 0.5 has  a starting  torque  of 25N-m for

negligible stator impedence and no load current.  Determine the starting  torque

when the rotor circuit resistance per phase is i. doubled

ii. halved.                                                                                                     [6+10]


2.   (a)  State  and  Explain  Faraday's  laws of electromagnetic  induction.   Distinguish between self induced and mutually  induced voltage.


(b)  Determine the resistance across the terminals,  'a and b' of the interconnected resistors shown in the figure 1b.                                                                                   [8+8]

Figure 1b


3.   (a)  Discuss the construction  and principle of operation  of a 3-phase Synchronous



(b)  A 3-phase, 4-pole, 50-Hz, star-connected alternator has 60 slots with 2 con- ductors  per slot and having armature winding of the double layer type.  Coils are short-pitched, that  is, if one coil side lies in slot number  1, the other  coil side lies in slot number  13. Find the useful flux per pole required to induce a line voltage of 6.6 kV.                                                                                     [8+8]


4.   (a)  With  a neat sketch, explain the operation  of three point starter.


(b)  If the load is removed from a D.C series motor, what will happen?         [8+8]


5.(a) In a 120V compound generator,  the resistance of armature shunt and series winding are 0.06Ω , 25Ω & 0.04Ω respectively.  The load current is 100A at  120V. Find  the induced emf and the armature current when the machine is connected as





Code No:  R05311801                    R05          Set No.   2



(i)  long shunt


(ii)  short shunt.


(b)  How will the ampere turns  of the series field be changed if diverters  of 0.1 be connected  in parallel with the series field winding?  Neglect brush contact drop and ignore armature reaction.                                                                  [16]


6. Describe the exact and approximate equivalent circuit of a single phase transformer.

Also describe experiments  to obtain  the parameters of the equivalent circuit.  [16]


7.   (a)  For a series resonant  circuit, obtain the expression for bandwidth  in terms of resonant frequency and quality factor.


(b)  A balanced  3-phase, delta  connected  load of (2+j3)  Ω/phase  is connected  to a balanced 3-phase, 440V supply.  The phase current is 10A. Find total  active power, reactive power and total  apparent power in the circuit.                 [8+8]


8.   (a)  Derive the Torque equation  for moving iron instruments.


(b)  The inductance  of a moving iron instrument is given by L = (0.01 + Bθ)2  mH, Where θ is the deflection from zero position in degrees . The angular deflection of the instrument corresponding  to 1.5 A and 2A respectively is 900and 1200.

Find the value of B.                                                                                            [8+8]



? ? ? ? ?





































Code No:  R05311801                    R05          Set No.   4



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Metallurgy And Material Technology

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1.   (a)  For a series resonant  circuit, obtain the expression for bandwidth  in terms of

resonant frequency and quality factor.


(b)  A balanced  3-phase, delta  connected  load of (2+j3)  Ω/phase  is connected  to a balanced 3-phase, 440V supply.  The phase current is 10A. Find total  active power, reactive power and total  apparent power in the circuit.                 [8+8]


2. Describe the exact and approximate equivalent circuit of a single phase transformer.

Also describe experiments  to obtain  the parameters of the equivalent circuits.  [16]


3.   (a)  Derive the Torque equation  for moving iron instruments.


(b)  The inductance  of a moving iron instrument is given by L = (0.01 + Bθ)2  mH, Where θ is the deflection from zero position in degrees . The angular deflection of the instrument corresponding  to 1.5 A and 2A respectively is 900and 1200.

Find the value of B.                                                                                            [8+8]


4. (a) In a 120V compound generator,  the resistance of armature shunt and series winding are 0.06Ω , 25Ω & 0.04Ω respectively.  The load current is 100A at  120V. Find  the induced emf and the armature current when the machine is connected as


(i)  long shunt


(ii)  short shunt.


(b)  How will the ampere turns  of the series field be changed if diverters  of 0.1 be connected  in parallel with the series field winding?  Neglect brush contact drop and ignore armature reaction.                                                                  [16]


5.   (a)  With  a neat sketch, explain the operation  of three point starter.


(b)  If the load is removed from a D.C series motor, what will happen?         [8+8]


6.   (a)  State  and  Explain  Faraday's  laws of electromagnetic  induction.   Distinguish

between self induced and mutually  induced voltage.


(b)  Determine the resistance across the terminals 'a and b' of the interconnected resistors

shown in the figure 1b.                                                                                   [8+8]












Code No:  R05311801                    R05          Set No.   4



Figure 1b


7.   (a)  Discuss the construction  and principle of operation  of a 3-phase Synchronous



(b)  A 3-phase, 4-pole, 50-Hz, star-connected alternator has 60 slots with 2 con- ductors  per slot and having armature winding of the double layer type.  Coils are short-pitched, that  is, if one coil side lies in slot number  1, the other  coil side lies in slot number  13. Find the useful flux per pole required to induce a line voltage of 6.6 kV.                                                                                     [8+8]


8.   (a)  How do you classify induction  motors.  Give the constructional details of them.

Text Box: X
(b)  A 3-Φ Induction  motor  with   R2



= 0.5 has  a starting  torque  of 25N-m for

negligible stator impedence and no load current.  Determine the starting  torque

when the rotor circuit resistance per phase is i. doubled

ii. halved.                                                                                                     [6+10]



? ? ? ? ?






























Code No:  R05311801                    R05          Set No.   1



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Metallurgy And Material Technology

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1.   (a)  State  and  Explain  Faraday's  laws of electromagnetic  induction.   Distinguish

between self induced and mutually  induced voltage.


(b)  Determine the resistance across the terminals 'a and b' of the interconnected resistors

shown in the figure 1b.                                                                                   [8+8]

Figure 1b


2.   (a)  With  a neat sketch, explain the operation  of three point starter.


(b)  If the load is removed from a D.C series motor, what will happen?         [8+8]


3. (a) In a 120V compound generator,  the resistance of armature shunt and series winding are 0.06Ω , 25Ω & 0.04Ω respectively.  The load current is 100A at  120V find the induced emf and the armature current when the machine is connected as


(i)  long shunt


(ii)  short shunt.


(b)  How will the ampere turns  of the series field be changed if diverters  of 0.1 be connected  in parallel with the series field winding?  Neglect brush contact drop and ignore armature reaction.                                                                  [16]


4.   (a)  Discuss the construction  and principle of operation  of a 3-phase Synchronous



(b)  A 3-phase, 4-pole, 50-Hz, star-connected alternator has 60 slots with 2 con- ductors  per slot and having armature winding of the double layer type.  Coils are short-pitched, that  is, if one coil side lies in slot number  1, the other  coil side lies in slot number  13. Find the useful flux per pole required to induce a line voltage of 6.6 kV.                                                                                     [8+8]


5.   (a)  How do you classify induction  motors.  Give the constructional details  of them.




Code No:  R05311801                    R05          Set No.   1



Text Box: X
(b)  A 3-Φ Induction  motor  with   R2


= 0.5 has  a starting  torque  of 25N-m for

negligible stator impedence and no load current.  Determine the starting  torque

when the rotor circuit resistance per phase is i. doubled

ii. halved.                                                                                                     [6+10]


6. Describe the exact and approximate equivalent circuit of a single phase transformer.

Also describe experiments  to obtain  the parameters of the equivalent circuits.  [16]


7.   (a)  Derive the Torque equation  for moving iron instruments.


(b)  The inductance  of a moving iron instrument is given by L = (0.01 + Bθ)2  mH, Where θ is the deflection from zero position in degrees . The angular deflection of the instrument corresponding  to 1.5 A and 2A respectively is 900and 1200 .

Find the value of B.                                                                                            [8+8]


8.   (a)  For a series resonance circuit, obtain the expression for bandwidth  in terms of resonant frequency and quality factor.


(b)  A balanced  3-phase, delta  connected  load of (2+j3)  Ω/phase  is connected  to a balanced 3-phase, 440V supply.  The phase current is 10A. Find total  active power, reactive power and total  apparent power in the circuit.                 [8+8]



? ? ? ? ?






































Code No:  R05311801                    R05          Set No.   3



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Metallurgy And Material Technology

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1.   (a)  State  and  Explain  Faraday's  laws of electromagnetic  induction.   Distinguish between self induced and mutually  induced voltage.


(b)  Determine the resistance across the terminals 'a and b' of the interconnected resistors shown in the figure 1b.                                                                                   [8+8]

Figure 1b


2.   (a)  Derive the Torque equation  for moving iron instruments.


(b)  The inductance  of a moving iron instrument is given by L = (0.01 + Bθ)2  mH, Where θ is the deflection from zero position in degrees . The angular deflection of the instrument corresponding  to 1.5 A and 2A respectively is 900and 1200.

Find the value of B.                                                                                            [8+8]


3. Describe the exact and approximate equivalent circuit of a single phase transformer.

Also describe experiments  to obtain  the parameters of the equivalent circuits.  [16]


4.   (a)  For a series resonance circuit, obtain the expression for bandwidth  in terms of

resonant frequency and quality factor.


(b)  A balanced  3-phase, delta  connected  load of (2+j3)  Ω/phase  is connected  to a balanced 3-phase, 440V supply.  The phase current is 10A. Find total  active power, reactive power and total  apparent power in the circuit.                 [8+8]


5.   (a)  How do you classify induction  motors.  Give the constructional details of them.

Text Box: X
(b)  A 3-Φ Induction  motor  with   R2



= 0.5 has  a starting  torque  of 25N-m for

negligible stator impedence and no load current.  Determine the starting  torque

when the rotor circuit resistance per phase is


i. doubled

ii. halved.                                                                                                     [6+10]





Code No:  R05311801                    R05          Set No.   3



6.   (a)  Discuss the construction  and principle of operation  of a 3-phase Synchronous



(b)  A 3-phase, 4-pole, 50-Hz, star-connected alternator has 60 slots with 2 con- ductors  per slot and having armature winding of the double layer type.  Coils are short-pitched, that  is, if one coil side lies in slot number  1, the other  coil side lies in slot number  13. Find the useful flux per pole required to induce a line voltage of 6.6 kV.                                                                                     [8+8]


7. (a) In a 120V compound generator,  the resistance of armature shunt and series winding are 0.06Ω , 25Ω & 0.04Ω respectively.  The load current is 100A at  120V find the induced emf and the armature current when the machine is connected as


(i)  long shunt


(ii)  short shunt.


(b)  How will the ampere turns  of the series field be changed if diverters  of 0.1 be connected  in parallel with the series field winding?  Neglect brush contact drop and ignore armature reaction.                                                                  [16]


8.   (a)  With  a neat sketch, explain the operation  of three point starter.


(b)  If the load is removed from a D.C series motor, what will happen

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