Thursday, June 27, 2013


Code No:  RR310805                     RR           Set No.   2



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010


Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1.   (a)  Describe the dew point method  of measurement of absolute  humidity.


(b)  Write  the principle of gas analysis by thermal  conductivity.                     [8+8]


2. What  methods  of analysis can be used for determining  composition of


(a)  Steels


(b)  Hydrocarbon  mixtures


(c)  Mixture  of Ammonia in air


Explain anyone of them in detail.                                                                             [16]


3.   (a)  Write  a note on pressure switches.


(b)  With a neat diagram explain how a Purged  System operates  for the measure- ment of pressure of Viscous process fluids.                                                  [8+8]


4.   (a)  What are industrial thermo couples. Give their temperature range and relative merits. (b)  What  are the desirable properties  of thermocouples.                                [10+6]


5. With  a neat sketch, explain the elements of an Instrument.                              [16]


6.   (a)  Write about methods to be followed to measure liquid level in corrosive liquids. (b)  Describe in detail the density measurement using weight method.           [8+8]


7. Describe the construction  of a venturimeter with a figure showing clearly the pres- sure tap  connections.  Explain the salient features of the working of venturimeter.[16]


8.   (a)  What  is the purpose of instrumentation diagram?


(b)  Explain the various symbols and their uses for instrumentation diagrams. [8+8]



? ? ? ? ?













Code No:  RR310805                     RR           Set No.   4



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010


Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1.   (a)  Write about methods to be followed to measure liquid level in corrosive liquids.


(b)  Describe in detail the density measurement using weight method.           [8+8]


2.   (a)  What  is the purpose of instrumentation diagram?


(b)  Explain the various symbols and their uses for instrumentation diagrams.



3. With  a neat sketch, explain the elements of an Instrument.                              [16]


4.   (a)  Describe the dew point method  of measurement of absolute  humidity.


(b)  Write  the principle of gas analysis by thermal  conductivity.                     [8+8]


5.   (a)  What are industrial thermo couples. Give their temperature range and relative merits. (b)  What  are the desirable properties  of thermocouples.                                [10+6]


6. What  methods  of analysis can be used for determining  composition of


(a)  Steels


(b)  Hydrocarbon  mixtures


(c)  Mixture  of Ammonia in air


Explain anyone of them in detail.                                                                             [16]


7.   (a)  Write  a note on pressure switches.


(b)  With a neat diagram  explain how a Purged  System operates  for the measure- ment of pressure of Viscous process fluids.                                                  [8+8]


8. Describe the construction  of a venturimeter with a figure showing clearly the pres- sure tap  connections.  Explain the salient features of the working of venturimeter. [16]



? ? ? ? ?













Code No:  RR310805                     RR           Set No.   1



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010


Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1.   (a)  Write about methods to be followed to measure liquid level in corrosive liquids.


(b)  Describe in detail the density measurement using weight method.           [8+8]


2.   (a)  Describe the dew point method  of measurement of absolute  humidity.


(b)  Write  the principle of gas analysis by thermal  conductivity.                     [8+8]


3.   (a)  Write  a note on pressure switches.


(b)  With a neat diagram explain how a Purged  System operates  for the measure-

ment of pressure of Viscous process fluids.                                                  [8+8]


4. With  a neat sketch, explain the elements of an Instrument.                              [16]


5. Describe the construction  of a venturimeter with a figure showing clearly the pres-

sure tap  connections.  Explain the salient features of the working of venturimeter.[16]


6.   (a)  What are industrial thermo couples. Give their temperature range and relative merits. (b)  What  are the desirable properties  of thermocouples.                                [10+6]


7. What  methods  of analysis can be used for determining  composition of


(a)  Steels


(b)  Hydrocarbon  mixtures


(c)  Mixture  of Ammonia in air


Explain anyone of them in detail.                                                                             [16]


8.   (a)  What  is the purpose of instrumentation diagram?


(b)  Explain the various symbols and their uses for instrumentation diagrams. [8+8]



? ? ? ? ?













Code No:  RR310805                     RR           Set No.   3



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010


Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1.   (a)  Write  a note on pressure switches.


(b)  With a neat diagram explain how a Purged  System operates  for the measure-

ment of pressure of Viscous process fluids.                                                  [8+8]


2. Describe the construction  of a venturimeter with a figure showing clearly the pres-

sure tap  connections.  Explain the salient features of the working of venturimeter.[16]


3. With  a neat sketch, explain the elements of an Instrument.                              [16]


4.   (a)  Describe the dew point method  of measurement of absolute  humidity.


(b)  Write  the principle of gas analysis by thermal  conductivity.                     [8+8]


5.   (a)  Write about methods to be followed to measure liquid level in corrosive liquids. (b)  Describe in detail the density measurement using weight method.           [8+8]


6.   (a)  What are industrial thermo couples. Give their temperature range and relative merits. (b)  What  are the desirable properties  of thermocouples.                                [10+6]


7.   (a)  What  is the purpose of instrumentation diagram?


(b)  Explain the various symbols and their uses for instrumentation diagrams.



8. What  methods  of analysis can be used for determining  composition of


(a)  Steels


(b)  Hydrocarbon  mixtures


(c)  Mixture  of Ammonia in air


Explain anyone of them in detail.                                                                            [16]



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