Code No: R05312304 R05 Set No. 2
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
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1. Discuss the applications of Molecular markers in human medicine. [16]
2. Discuss the desirable properties of vectors in detail. [16]
3. Explain how the leucine zipper proteins act to control gene regulation in eukaryotes. [16]
4. How the operon concept was first developed? Explain by citing the initial experi- mental observations. [16]
5. Write short notes on: (a) hot-start protocol
(b) nested primers
(c) Q-PCR
(d) real time QPCR. [16]
6. Write in detail about the pronuclear microinjection. [16]
7. How do transposons differ from insertion elements? Explain in detail. [16]
8. Explain the recent developments in DNA sequencing. [16]
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Code No: R05312304 R05 Set No. 4
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. How the operon concept was first developed? Explain by citing the initial experi- mental observations. [16]
2. How do transposons differ from insertion elements? Explain in detail. [16]
3. Discuss the desirable properties of vectors in detail. [16]
4. Explain the recent developments in DNA sequencing. [16]
5. Explain how the leucine zipper proteins act to control gene regulation in eukaryotes. [16]
6. Discuss the applications of Molecular markers in human medicine. [16]
7. Write short notes on: (a) hot-start protocol
(b) nested primers
(c) Q-PCR
(d) real time QPCR. [16]
8. Write in detail about the pronuclear microinjection. [16]
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Code No: R05312304 R05 Set No. 1
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
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1. Write in detail about the pronuclear microinjection. [16]
2. How do transposons differ from insertion elements? Explain in detail. [16]
3. Explain how the leucine zipper proteins act to control gene regulation in eukaryotes. [16]
4. Explain the recent developments in DNA sequencing. [16]
5. Discuss the applications of Molecular markers in human medicine. [16]
6. Discuss the desirable properties of vectors in detail. [16]
7. Write short notes on: (a) hot-start protocol
(b) nested primers
(c) Q-PCR
(d) real time QPCR. [16]
8. How the operon concept was first developed? Explain by citing the initial experi- mental observations. [16]
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Code No: R05312304 R05 Set No. 3
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
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1. How do transposons differ from insertion elements? Explain in detail. [16]
2. Write in detail about the pronuclear microinjection. [16]
3. Explain how the leucine zipper proteins act to control gene regulation in eukaryotes. [16]
4. How the operon concept was first developed? Explain by citing the initial experi- mental observations. [16]
5. Discuss the desirable properties of vectors in detail. [16]
6. Write short notes on: (a) hot-start protocol
(b) nested primers
(c) Q-PCR
(d) real time QPCR. [16]
7. Discuss the applications of Molecular markers in human medicine. [16]
8. Explain the recent developments in DNA sequencing. [16]
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