Code No: R05312101 R05 Set No. 2
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
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1. Discuss the procedure for the assembly of landing gear of an aircraft. [16]
2. (a) What is grinding operation? What are the uses of grinding process on manu- factured products?
(b) List the various operations performed on grinding machines. [8+8]
3. Explain various brazing methods. [16]
4. (a) In abrasive water-jet machining, at what stage is the abrasive introduced in the water-jet? What is the consequence of such damage to work piece?
(b) Comment on the depth of material removal from a metal surface by abrasive jet machining. [10+6]
5. Define and discuss concepts of quality, reliability quality circles and DIRFT. [16]
6. What are the various processes used for case hardening? Explain any two. [16]
7. Discuss investment and shell casting processess. [16]
8. What characteristics a material should possess for sheet metal forming? [16]
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Code No: R05312101 R05 Set No. 4
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
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1. Discuss investment and shell casting processess. [16]
2. What are the various processes used for case hardening? Explain any two. [16]
3. (a) What is grinding operation? What are the uses of grinding process on manu- factured products?
(b) List the various operations performed on grinding machines. [8+8]
4. Define and discuss concepts of quality, reliability quality circles and DIRFT. [16]
5. What characteristics a material should possess for sheet metal forming? [16]
6. Discuss the procedure for the assembly of landing gear of an aircraft. [16]
7. Explain various brazing methods. [16]
8. (a) In abrasive water-jet machining, at what stage is the abrasive introduced in the water-jet? What is the consequence of such damage to work piece?
(b) Comment on the depth of material removal from a metal surface by abrasive jet machining. [10+6]
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Code No: R05312101 R05 Set No. 1
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
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1. Discuss the procedure for the assembly of landing gear of an aircraft. [16]
2. Discuss investment and shell casting processess. [16]
3. (a) In abrasive water-jet machining, at what stage is the abrasive introduced in the water-jet? What is the consequence of such damage to work piece?
(b) Comment on the depth of material removal from a metal surface by abrasive jet machining. [10+6]
4. (a) What is grinding operation? What are the uses of grinding process on manu- factured products?
(b) List the various operations performed on grinding machines. [8+8]
5. Explain various brazing methods. [16]
6. Define and discuss concepts of quality, reliability quality circles and DIRFT. [16]
7. What characteristics a material should possess for sheet metal forming? [16]
8. What are the various processes used for case hardening? Explain any two. [16]
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Code No: R05312101 R05 Set No. 3
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
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1. What characteristics a material should possess for sheet metal forming? [16]
2. Define and discuss concepts of quality, reliability quality circles and DIRFT. [16]
3. (a) In abrasive water-jet machining, at what stage is the abrasive introduced in the water-jet? What is the consequence of such damage to work piece?
(b) Comment on the depth of material removal from a metal surface by abrasive jet machining. [10+6]
4. What are the various processes used for case hardening? Explain any two. [16]
5. Discuss investment and shell casting processess. [16]
6. Explain various brazing methods. [16]
7. (a) What is grinding operation? What are the uses of grinding process on manu- factured products?
(b) List the various operations performed on grinding machines. [8+8]
8. Discuss the procedure for the assembly of landing gear of an aircraft. [16]
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