Thursday, June 27, 2013

3RD Metallurgy And Material Technology & Electronics And Instrumentation Engineerin JNTU B.TECH ENGINEERING QUESTION PAPER - MANAGEMENT SCIENCE

Code No:  R05311001                    R05          Set No.   2



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010


Common to Metallurgy And Material Technology, Electronics And

Instrumentation Engineering

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1. Describe the various types of store registers.                                                           [16]


2. Discuss in detail any two of the following methods  of merit rating


(a)  Employees ranking method


(b)  Check list method


(c)  Rating  scales.                                                                                              [5+5+6]


3. What is portfolio management ? Discuss various key aspect in investment Decisions. [16]


4. Is downsizing a good option for Indian  firms? Discuss the pros and cons.         [16]


5. Describe how and why scientific management theory gained scientific management

importance?                                                                                                                  [16]


6. What  is job order production?  Explain its characteristics.                                 [16]


7.   (a)  What  is PERT  and what are the applications  of PERT?


(b)  Define the terms slack and Float.  Illustrate                                              [8+8]


8. What  are the  various  types  of organisation  structures?  Explain  them  with  their

merits and demerits.                                                                                                   [16]



? ? ? ? ?






















Code No:  R05311001                    R05          Set No.   4



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010


Common to Metallurgy And Material Technology, Electronics And

Instrumentation Engineering

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1. What  are the  various  types  of organisation  structures?  Explain  them  with  their merits and demerits.                                                                                                   [16]


2. Discuss in detail any two of the following methods  of merit rating


(a)  Employees ranking method


(b)  Check list method


(c)  Rating  scales.                                                                                              [5+5+6]


3.   (a)  What  is PERT  and what are the applications  of PERT?


(b)  Define the terms slack and Float.  Illustrate                                              [8+8]


4. Is downsizing a good option for Indian  firms? Discuss the pros and cons.         [16]


5. Describe the various types of store registers.                                                           [16]


6. What  is job order production?  Explain its characteristics.                                 [16]


7. What is portfolio management ? Discuss various key aspect in investment Decisions. [16]


8. Describe how and why scientific management theory gained scientific management

importance?                                                                                                                [16]



? ? ? ? ?






















Code No:  R05311001                    R05          Set No.   1



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010


Common to Metallurgy And Material Technology, Electronics And

Instrumentation Engineering

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1. Discuss in detail any two of the following methods  of merit rating


(a)  Employees ranking method


(b)  Check list method


(c)  Rating  scales.                                                                                              [5+5+6]


2. What  is job order production?  Explain its characteristics.                                 [16]


3. What  are the  various  types  of organisation  structures?  Explain  them  with  their merits and demerits.                                                                                                   [16]


4. What is portfolio management ? Discuss various key aspect in investment Decisions.



5.   (a)  What  is PERT  and what are the applications  of PERT?


(b)  Define the terms slack and Float.  Illustrate                                              [8+8]


6. Describe how and why scientific management theory gained scientific management importance?                                                                                                                  [16]


7. Is downsizing a good option for Indian  firms? Discuss the pros and cons.         [16]


8. Describe the various types of store registers.                                                         [16]



? ? ? ? ?






















Code No:  R05311001                    R05          Set No.   3



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010


Common to Metallurgy And Material Technology, Electronics And

Instrumentation Engineering

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1. What  is job order production?  Explain its characteristics.                                 [16]


2. Describe the various types of store registers.                                                           [16]


3. What is portfolio management ? Discuss various key aspect in investment Decisions.



4. Is downsizing a good option for Indian  firms? Discuss the pros and cons.         [16]


5. What  are the  various  types  of organisation  structures?  Explain  them  with  their merits and demerits.                                                                                                   [16]


6. Discuss in detail any two of the following methods  of merit rating


(a)  Employees ranking method


(b)  Check list method


(c)  Rating  scales.                                                                                              [5+5+6]


7.   (a)  What  is PERT  and what are the applications  of PERT?


(b)  Define the terms slack and Float.  Illustrate                                              [8+8]


8. Describe how and why scientific management theory gained scientific management

importance?                                                                                                                [16]


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