Thursday, June 27, 2013


Code No:  RR311003                     RR           Set No.   2



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

INDUSTRIAL INSTRUMENTATION Electronics And Instrumentation  Engineering

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1.   (a)  Explain the principle of Ring type load cells?


(b)  What  are the specifications of Load cells? Give typical values                 [8+8]


2.   (a)  Explain specific humidity,  DBT, WBT.


(b)  Explain about  Galvanometric  Hygrometer.                                                  [8+8]


3. Describe with the  help of a circuit  diagram,  the  working of a universal  frequency

counter.  Explain the various functions it is capable of performing.                     [16]


4.   (a)  Distinguish  between specific viscosity and relative viscosity.


(b)  Explain briefly about  industrial  consistency meter.                                    [8+8]


5. Describe in detail about  optical method  of measuring length and distance.       [16]


6. Discuss briefly about  the principle and specifications of the different practical  Ac-

celerometers.                                                                                                                [16]


7. Briefly explain Buoyancy method  of density measurement and give its advantages, disadvantages and applications.                                                                                 [16]


8.   (a)  A variable reluctance type tachometer  has 60 rotor teeth.  The counter records

3600 counts per second. Determine  the speed in rpm.


(b)  An Inductive  pick up operating  from a 60 tooth  wheel is used with a digital frequency meter  to determine  the  speed of rotation of a shaft  on which the wheel is mounted.The gating  period  is set  to 104µs and  a reading  of 0.024 is obtained  on  4 digital  display.    What  shaft  speed  does this  represent  in r.p.s   if the  available  gating  periods  are  102 , 103, 104 , 105, 106 , 107and10µs respectively, which would be the optimum  setting  of gating period for making this measurement.


(c)  While measuring speed of a steam turbine  with Stroboscope single line images were observed for Stroboscope setting  of 3000, 4000 and 5230 rpm.  Calculate the speed of the turbine.                                                                            [5+6+5]



? ? ? ? ?









Code No:  RR311003                     RR           Set No.   4



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

INDUSTRIAL INSTRUMENTATION Electronics And Instrumentation  Engineering

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1. Describe with the  help of a circuit  diagram,  the  working of a universal  frequency

counter.  Explain the various functions it is capable of performing.                     [16]


2. Briefly explain Buoyancy method  of density measurement and give its advantages,

disadvantages and applications.                                                                                 [16]


3.   (a)  A variable reluctance type tachometer  has 60 rotor teeth.  The counter records

3600 counts per second. Determine  the speed in rpm.


(b)  An Inductive  pick up operating  from a 60 tooth  wheel is used with a digital frequency meter  to determine  the  speed of rotation  of a shaft  on which the wheel is mounted.The gating  period  is set to 10 4µs and  a reading  of 0.024 is obtained  on  4 digital  display.    What  shaft  speed  does this  represent  in r.p.s   if the  available  gating  periods  are  102 , 103, 104 , 105, 106 , 107and10µs respectively, which would be the optimum  setting  of gating period for making this measurement.


(c)  While measuring speed of a steam turbine  with Stroboscope single line images were observed for Stroboscope setting  of 3000, 4000 and 5230 rpm.  Calculate the speed of the turbine.                                                                            [5+6+5]


4.   (a)  Explain specific humidity,  DBT, WBT.


(b)  Explain about  Galvanometric  Hygrometer.                                                  [8+8]


5. Discuss briefly about  the principle and specifications of the different practical  Ac-

celerometers.                                                                                                                [16]


6. Describe in detail about  optical method  of measuring length and distance.       [16]


7.   (a)  Distinguish  between specific viscosity and relative viscosity.


(b)  Explain briefly about  industrial  consistency meter.                                    [8+8]


8.   (a)  Explain the principle of Ring type load cells?


(b)  What  are the specifications of Load cells? Give typical values                 [8+8]



? ? ? ? ?









Code No:  RR311003                     RR           Set No.   1



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

INDUSTRIAL INSTRUMENTATION Electronics And Instrumentation  Engineering

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1. Discuss briefly about  the principle and specifications of the different practical  Ac-

celerometers.                                                                                                                [16]


2.   (a)  A variable reluctance type tachometer  has 60 rotor teeth.  The counter records

3600 counts per second. Determine  the speed in rpm.


(b)  An Inductive  pick up operating  from a 60 tooth  wheel is used with a digital frequency meter  to determine  the  speed of rotation  of a shaft  on which the wheel is mounted.The gating  period  is set  to  104µs and  a reading  of 0.024 is obtained  on  4 digital  display.    What  shaft  speed  does this  represent  in r.p.s   if the  available  gating  periods  are  102 , 103, 104 , 105, 106 , 107and10µs respectively, which would be the optimum  setting  of gating period for making this measurement.


(c)  While measuring speed of a steam turbine  with Stroboscope single line images were observed for Stroboscope setting  of 3000, 4000 and 5230 rpm.  Calculate the speed of the turbine.                                                                            [5+6+5]


3. Describe in detail about  optical method  of measuring length and distance.       [16]


4.   (a)  Distinguish  between specific viscosity and relative viscosity.


(b)  Explain briefly about  industrial  consistency meter.                                    [8+8]


5. Describe with the  help of a circuit  diagram,  the  working of a universal  frequency

counter.  Explain the various functions it is capable of performing.                     [16]


6.   (a)  Explain the principle of Ring type load cells?


(b)  What  are the specifications of Load cells? Give typical values                 [8+8]


7.   (a)  Explain specific humidity,  DBT, WBT.


(b)  Explain about  Galvanometric  Hygrometer.                                                  [8+8]


8. Briefly explain Buoyancy method  of density measurement and give its advantages, disadvantages and applications.                                                                                [16]



? ? ? ? ?









Code No:  RR311003                     RR           Set No.   3



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

INDUSTRIAL INSTRUMENTATION Electronics And Instrumentation  Engineering

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1. Discuss briefly about  the principle and specifications of the different practical  Ac-

celerometers.                                                                                                                [16]


2.   (a)  Distinguish  between specific viscosity and relative viscosity.


(b)  Explain briefly about  industrial  consistency meter.                                    [8+8]


3.   (a)  Explain specific humidity,  DBT, WBT.


(b)  Explain about  Galvanometric  Hygrometer.                                                  [8+8]


4. Describe in detail about  optical method  of measuring length and distance.       [16]


5. Describe with the  help of a circuit  diagram,  the  working of a universal  frequency

counter.  Explain the various functions it is capable of performing.                     [16]


6. Briefly explain Buoyancy method  of density measurement and give its advantages,

disadvantages and applications.                                                                                 [16]


7.   (a)  A variable reluctance type tachometer  has 60 rotor teeth.  The counter records

3600 counts per second. Determine  the speed in rpm.


(b)  An Inductive  pick up operating  from a 60 tooth  wheel is used with a digital frequency meter  to determine  the  speed of rotation  of a shaft  on which the wheel is mounted.The gating  period  is set  to 104µs and  a reading  of 0.024 is obtained  on  4 digital  display.    What  shaft  speed  does this  represent  in r.p.s   if the  available  gating  periods  are  102 , 103, 104 , 105, 106 , 107and10µs respectively, which would be the optimum  setting  of gating period for making this measurement.


(c)  While measuring speed of a steam turbine  with Stroboscope single line images were observed for Stroboscope setting  of 3000, 4000 and 5230 rpm.  Calculate the speed of the turbine.                                                                            [5+6+5]


8.   (a)  Explain the principle of Ring type load cells?


(b)  What  are the specifications of Load cells? Give typical values                 [8+8]



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