Code No: R05312302 R05 Set No. 2
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
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1. (a) Write the importance of induced mutants in improving the yield of secondary metabolites.
(b) Describe in detail the isolation of induced mutants with an example. [8+8]
2. Briefly write notes on:
(a) Importance of high fructose syrup.
(b) Processing of different raw materials used for high fructose syrup production. (c) Various enzymes and their producing organisms involved in high fructose syrup
production. [5+6+5]
3. Give detailed account of polyhydroxybutarate production by microbial system starting from glucose as carbon source? [16]
4. Enumerate the role of precursors and inducers in secondary metabolite production? [16]
5. What are different sterilization equipments used in for preventing infection of mi- croorganisms and write a note on the sterilization of media. [12+4]
6. Enumerate the importance of traditional technologies in modern biotechnology de- velopment. [16]
7. Write short notes on: (a) Insulin.
(b) Interleukin. (c) Lipases.
(d) Isomerases. [4x4]
8. List out major industrially important organic acids produced by microbes and the producing organisms? Mention various raw materials used in industries for production of these compounds? [6+10]
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Code No: R05312302 R05 Set No. 4
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. Give detailed account of polyhydroxybutarate production by microbial system starting from glucose as carbon source? [16]
2. (a) Write the importance of induced mutants in improving the yield of secondary metabolites.
(b) Describe in detail the isolation of induced mutants with an example. [8+8]
3. Write short notes on: (a) Insulin.
(b) Interleukin. (c) Lipases.
(d) Isomerases. [4x4]
4. Briefly write notes on:
(a) Importance of high fructose syrup.
(b) Processing of different raw materials used for high fructose syrup production. (c) Various enzymes and their producing organisms involved in high fructose syrup
production. [5+6+5]
5. Enumerate the importance of traditional technologies in modern biotechnology de- velopment. [16]
6. List out major industrially important organic acids produced by microbes and the producing organisms? Mention various raw materials used in industries for production of these compounds? [6+10]
7. Enumerate the role of precursors and inducers in secondary metabolite production? [16]
8. What are different sterilization equipments used in for preventing infection of mi- croorganisms and write a note on the sterilization of media. [12+4]
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Code No: R05312302 R05 Set No. 1
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. What are different sterilization equipments used in for preventing infection of mi- croorganisms and write a note on the sterilization of media. [12+4]
2. List out major industrially important organic acids produced by microbes and the producing organisms? Mention various raw materials used in industries for production of these compounds? [6+10]
3. (a) Write the importance of induced mutants in improving the yield of secondary metabolites.
(b) Describe in detail the isolation of induced mutants with an example. [8+8]
4. Enumerate the role of precursors and inducers in secondary metabolite production? [16]
5. Briefly write notes on:
(a) Importance of high fructose syrup.
(b) Processing of different raw materials used for high fructose syrup production. (c) Various enzymes and their producing organisms involved in high fructose syrup
production. [5+6+5]
6. Write short notes on: (a) Insulin.
(b) Interleukin. (c) Lipases.
(d) Isomerases. [4x4]
7. Give detailed account of polyhydroxybutarate production by microbial system starting from glucose as carbon source? [16]
8. Enumerate the importance of traditional technologies in modern biotechnology de- velopment. [16]
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Code No: R05312302 R05 Set No. 3
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. Give detailed account of polyhydroxybutarate production by microbial system starting from glucose as carbon source? [16]
2. Write short notes on: (a) Insulin.
(b) Interleukin. (c) Lipases.
(d) Isomerases. [4x4]
3. List out major industrially important organic acids produced by microbes and the producing organisms? Mention various raw materials used in industries for production of these compounds? [6+10]
4. What are different sterilization equipments used in for preventing infection of mi- croorganisms and write a note on the sterilization of media. [12+4]
5. Briefly write notes on:
(a) Importance of high fructose syrup.
(b) Processing of different raw materials used for high fructose syrup production. (c) Various enzymes and their producing organisms involved in high fructose syrup
production. [5+6+5]
6. Enumerate the importance of traditional technologies in modern biotechnology de- velopment. [16]
7. Enumerate the role of precursors and inducers in secondary metabolite production? [16]
8. (a) Write the importance of induced mutants in improving the yield of secondary metabolites.
(b) Describe in detail the isolation of induced mutants with an example. [8+8]
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