Thursday, June 27, 2013


Code No:  R05312201                    R05          Set No.   2



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Instrumentation And Control Engineering

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1.   (a)  What is the necessity for a rational land use policy as pant of the environmental policy?


(b)  Write  briefly about  the  unequal  consumption  patterns of the  developed and developing countries.                                                                                       [8+8]


2.   (a)  List the rain water harvesting  methods.


(b)  Give a brief account of ancient water conservation  and harvesting  practices in



(c)  List the advantages  of rain water harvesting.                                          [4+6+6]


3. What are the different types of aquatic ecosystems?  Write briefly about each, bring- ing out their unique characteristics, and the threats to these ecosystems.     [6+10]


4.   (a)  Define Health Impact  Assement.


(b)  Outline some of the important strategies  which must be taken up to minimize environmental hazards  .                                                                               [4+12]


5.   (a)  List the types of hazardous  wastes and their methods  of disposal.


(b)  Write  about  the  health  risks associated  with these,  giving examples to illus- trate  your answer.                                                                                           [8+8]


6. List some programmes  that  have been initiated  to preserve biodiversity  in various parts  of India and write briefly about  them.                                                           [16]

7. Mention briefly the contributions made by the following: (a)  Wildlife Institute of India

(b)  Sunderlal Bahuguna


(c)  Zoological Survey of India


(d)  Salim Ali                                                                                                [4+4+4+4]


8. What  you  understand by  the  pollution  of Hill-slopes.   Discuss  the  methods  to preserve them and explain their impact  on ecosystem of the globe.                   [16]



? ? ? ? ?







Code No:  R05312201                    R05          Set No.   4



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Instrumentation And Control Engineering

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1.   (a)  List the rain water harvesting  methods.


(b)  Give a brief account of ancient water conservation  and harvesting  practices in



(c)  List the advantages  of rain water harvesting.                                          [4+6+6]


2. What  you  understand by  the  pollution  of Hill-slopes.   Discuss  the  methods  to preserve them and explain their impact  on ecosystem of the globe.                    [16]


3. What are the different types of aquatic ecosystems?  Write briefly about each, bring- ing out their unique characteristics, and the threats to these ecosystems.     [6+10]

4. Mention briefly the contributions made by the following: (a)  Wildlife Institute of India

(b)  Sunderlal Bahuguna


(c)  Zoological Survey of India


(d)  Salim Ali                                                                                                [4+4+4+4]


5. List some programmes  that  have been initiated  to preserve biodiversity  in various parts  of India and write briefly about  them.                                                           [16]


6.   (a)  What is the necessity for a rational land use policy as pant of the environmental policy?


(b)  Write  briefly about  the  unequal  consumption  patterns of the  developed and developing countries.                                                                                       [8+8]


7.   (a)  Define Health Impact  Assement.


(b)  Outline some of the important strategies  which must be taken up to minimize environmental hazards  .                                                                               [4+12]


8.   (a)  List the types of hazardous  wastes and their methods  of disposal.


(b)  Write  about  the  health  risks associated  with these,  giving examples to illus- trate  your answer.                                                                                           [8+8]



? ? ? ? ?







Code No:  R05312201                    R05          Set No.   1



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Instrumentation And Control Engineering

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1.   (a)  List the rain water harvesting  methods.


(b)  Give a brief account of ancient water conservation  and harvesting  practices in



(c)  List the advantages  of rain water harvesting.                                          [4+6+6]


2. What are the different types of aquatic ecosystems?  Write briefly about each, bring- ing out their unique characteristics, and the threats to these ecosystems.     [6+10]


3.   (a)  List the types of hazardous  wastes and their methods  of disposal.


(b)  Write  about  the  health  risks associated  with these,  giving examples to illus- trate  your answer.                                                                                           [8+8]


4.   (a)  What is the necessity for a rational land use policy as pant of the environmental policy?


(b)  Write  briefly about  the  unequal  consumption  patterns of the  developed and developing countries.                                                                                       [8+8]


5. What  you  understand by  the  pollution  of Hill-slopes.   Discuss  the  methods  to preserve them and explain their impact  on ecosystem of the globe.                    [16]

6. Mention briefly the contributions made by the following: (a)  Wildlife Institute of India

(b)  Sunderlal Bahuguna


(c)  Zoological Survey of India


(d)  Salim Ali                                                                                                [4+4+4+4]


7.   (a)  Define Health Impact  Assement.


(b)  Outline some of the important strategies  which must be taken up to minimize environmental hazards  .                                                                               [4+12]


8. List some programmes  that  have been initiated  to preserve biodiversity  in various parts  of India and write briefly about  them.                                                          [16]



? ? ? ? ?







Code No:  R05312201                    R05          Set No.   3



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Instrumentation And Control Engineering

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1. What  you  understand by  the  pollution  of Hill-slopes.   Discuss  the  methods  to preserve them and explain their impact  on ecosystem of the globe.                    [16]


2.   (a)  What is the necessity for a rational land use policy as pant of the environmental policy?


(b)  Write  briefly about  the  unequal  consumption  patterns of the  developed and developing countries.                                                                                       [8+8]

3. Mention briefly the contributions made by the following: (a)  Wildlife Institute of India

(b)  Sunderlal Bahuguna


(c)  Zoological Survey of India


(d)  Salim Ali                                                                                                [4+4+4+4]


4. What are the different types of aquatic ecosystems?  Write briefly about each, bring- ing out their unique characteristics, and the threats to these ecosystems.     [6+10]


5.   (a)  List the rain water harvesting  methods.


(b)  Give a brief account of ancient water conservation  and harvesting  practices in



(c)  List the advantages  of rain water harvesting.                                          [4+6+6]


6.   (a)  List the types of hazardous  wastes and their methods  of disposal.


(b)  Write  about  the  health  risks associated  with these,  giving examples to illus- trate  your answer.                                                                                           [8+8]


7. List some programmes  that  have been initiated  to preserve biodiversity  in various parts  of India and write briefly about  them.                                                           [16]


8.   (a)  Define Health Impact  Assement.


(b)  Outline some of the important strategies  which must be taken up to minimize environmental hazards  .                                                                               [4+12]

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