Thursday, June 27, 2013



Code.No: RR310302

RR                    SET-1




Time: 3hours                                                                                     Max.Marks:80

Answer any FIVE questions

All questions carry equal marks

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1 a)     Derive an expression for the force exerted on a vertical plate moving in the direction of jet.

b)     A 15 m/s velocity jet of water 5 cm in diameter strikes perpendicularly a smooth flat plate. Determine the force exerted by the jet on the plate if the plate is at rest and if it moves in the direction of the jet with a velocity of 5 m/s. Also determine the work done in each case and the efficiency of the jet in the second case. [6+10]


2.         A reaction turbine works at 460 rpm under a head of 110 meters. Its diameter

at inlet is 115 cms and the flow area is 0.03 metre2. The angles made by the absolute velocity and relative velocity at inlet are respectively 180 and 500 with the tangential velocity. Determine:

a)      The volume flow rate b)     The H.P. developed

c)     The efficiency

Assume whirl at outlet to be zero.                                                                     [16]


3. a)    One Pelton wheel develops 15MW power under a head of 360m at 450 rpm.

What is its specific speed? What would be its normal speed and output under a head of 145m .

b)      Explain what you understand by unit speed, unit power and unit discharge

of turbine.                                                                                                        [10+6]


4. a)    Define;  slip,  percentage  slip,  negative  slip  and  coefficient  of  discharge  of reciprocating pump,

b)    The diameter and stoke length of a single action reciprocating pump are 100mm and 300mm respectively. The water is lifted to a height of 20 m above the center of the pump. Find the maximum speed at which the pump may be run so that no separation occurs during the delivery stroke if the diameter and length of delivery pipe are 50 mm and 25 m respectively. Separation occurs if the absolute pressure head in the cylinder during delivery stroke falls bellow 2.50m of water. Take atmospheric pressure head = 10.3 m of water. Take f=0.018.                       [8+8]


5. a)     Explain how the centrifugal pump is equivalent to the reverse of a reaction turbine.

b)     Differentiate between

i.         Mechanical efficiency ii.        Volumetric efficiency

iii.       Manometric efficiency.                                                             [8+8]

6. a)    What do you understand by multistage pump? When do you use them?

b)    What do you understand by pumps in parallel? When do you connect the pumps in parallel?                                                                                                         [8+8]


7. a)    Show that the efficiency of an ideal fluid coupling is the ratio of speeds of driven shaft to that of the driving shaft.

b)    Define slip and stall of fluid coupling. Find the efficiency of the coupling in terms of slip.                                                                                                               [8+8]


8. a)    A pipe 7.5 cm in diameter and 250 m long has a nozzle fitted at the discharge end.

The total head at the inlet to the pipe is 40 m. Taking f = 0.01 for the pipe, determine the maximum power transmitted.

b)     What is a gear pump and state the difference between an internal and an external type of such pump.                                                                                            [8+8]







Code.No: RR310302

RR                    SET-2




Time: 3hours                                                                                     Max.Marks:80

Answer any FIVE questions

All questions carry equal marks

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1. a)    One Pelton wheel develops 15MW power under a head of 360m at 450 rpm.

What is its specific speed? What would be its normal speed and output under a head of 145m .

b)      Explain what you understand by unit speed, unit power and unit discharge

of turbine.                                                                                                        [10+6]


2. a)    Define;  slip,  percentage  slip,  negative  slip  and  coefficient  of  discharge  of reciprocating pump,

b)    The diameter and stoke length of a single action reciprocating pump are 100mm and 300mm respectively. The water is lifted to a height of 20 m above the center of the pump. Find the maximum speed at which the pump may be run so that no separation occurs during the delivery stroke if the diameter and length of delivery pipe are 50 mm and 25 m respectively. Separation occurs if the absolute pressure head in the cylinder during delivery stroke falls bellow 2.50m of water. Take atmospheric pressure head = 10.3 m of water. Take f=0.018.                       [8+8]


3. a)     Explain how the centrifugal pump is equivalent to the reverse of a reaction turbine.

b)     Differentiate between

i.         Mechanical efficiency ii.        Volumetric efficiency

iii.       Manometric efficiency.                                                             [8+8]


4. a)    What do you understand by multistage pump? When do you use them?

b)    What do you understand by pumps in parallel? When do you connect the pumps in parallel?                                                                                                         [8+8]


5. a)    Show that the efficiency of an ideal fluid coupling is the ratio of speeds of driven shaft to that of the driving shaft.

b)    Define slip and stall of fluid coupling. Find the efficiency of the coupling in terms of slip.                                                                                                               [8+8]


6. a)    A pipe 7.5 cm in diameter and 250 m long has a nozzle fitted at the discharge end.

The total head at the inlet to the pipe is 40 m. Taking f = 0.01 for the pipe, determine the maximum power transmitted.

b)     What is a gear pump and state the difference between an internal and an external type of such pump.                                                                                            [8+8]

7 a)     Derive an expression for the force exerted on a vertical plate moving in the direction of jet.

b)     A 15 m/s velocity jet of water 5 cm in diameter strikes perpendicularly a smooth flat plate. Determine the force exerted by the jet on the plate if the plate is at rest and if it moves in the direction of the jet with a velocity of 5 m/s. Also determine the work done in each case and the efficiency of the jet in the second case. [6+10]


8.         A reaction turbine works at 460 rpm under a head of 110 meters. Its diameter

at inlet is 115 cms and the flow area is 0.03 metre2. The angles made by the absolute velocity and relative velocity at inlet are respectively 180 and 500 with the tangential velocity. Determine:

a)      The volume flow rate b)     The H.P. developed

c)     The efficiency

Assume whirl at outlet to be zero.                                                                     [16]






Code.No: RR310302

RR                    SET-3




Time: 3hours                                                                                     Max.Marks:80

Answer any FIVE questions

All questions carry equal marks

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1. a)     Explain how the centrifugal pump is equivalent to the reverse of a reaction turbine.

b)     Differentiate between

i.         Mechanical efficiency ii.        Volumetric efficiency

iii.       Manometric efficiency.                                                             [8+8]


2. a)    What do you understand by multistage pump? When do you use them?

b)    What do you understand by pumps in parallel? When do you connect the pumps in parallel?                                                                                                         [8+8]


3. a)    Show that the efficiency of an ideal fluid coupling is the ratio of speeds of driven shaft to that of the driving shaft.

b)    Define slip and stall of fluid coupling. Find the efficiency of the coupling in terms of slip.                                                                                                               [8+8]


4. a)    A pipe 7.5 cm in diameter and 250 m long has a nozzle fitted at the discharge end.

The total head at the inlet to the pipe is 40 m. Taking f = 0.01 for the pipe, determine the maximum power transmitted.

b)     What is a gear pump and state the difference between an internal and an external type of such pump.                                                                                            [8+8]


5 a)     Derive an expression for the force exerted on a vertical plate moving in the direction of jet.

b)     A 15 m/s velocity jet of water 5 cm in diameter strikes perpendicularly a smooth flat plate. Determine the force exerted by the jet on the plate if the plate is at rest and if it moves in the direction of the jet with a velocity of 5 m/s. Also determine the work done in each case and the efficiency of the jet in the second case. [6+10]


6.         A reaction turbine works at 460 rpm under a head of 110 meters. Its diameter

at inlet is 115 cms and the flow area is 0.03 metre2. The angles made by the absolute velocity and relative velocity at inlet are respectively 180 and 500 with the tangential velocity. Determine:

a)      The volume flow rate b)     The H.P. developed

c)     The efficiency

Assume whirl at outlet to be zero.                                                                     [16]

7. a)    One Pelton wheel develops 15MW power under a head of 360m at 450 rpm.

What is its specific speed? What would be its normal speed and output under a head of 145m .

b)      Explain what you understand by unit speed, unit power and unit discharge

of turbine.                                                                                                        [10+6]


8. a)    Define;  slip,  percentage  slip,  negative  slip  and  coefficient  of  discharge  of reciprocating pump,

b)        The diameter and stoke length of a single action reciprocating pump are 100mm and 300mm respectively. The water is lifted to a height of 20 m above the center of the pump. Find the maximum speed at which the pump may be run so that no separation occurs during the delivery stroke if the diameter and length of delivery pipe are 50 mm and 25 m respectively. Separation occurs if the absolute pressure head in the cylinder during delivery stroke falls bellow 2.50m of water. Take atmospheric pressure head = 10.3 m of water. Take f=0.018.                       [8+8]






Code.No: RR310302

RR                    SET-4




Time: 3hours                                                                                     Max.Marks:80

Answer any FIVE questions

All questions carry equal marks

- - -

1. a)    Show that the efficiency of an ideal fluid coupling is the ratio of speeds of driven shaft to that of the driving shaft.

b)    Define slip and stall of fluid coupling. Find the efficiency of the coupling in terms of slip.                                                                                                               [8+8]


2. a)    A pipe 7.5 cm in diameter and 250 m long has a nozzle fitted at the discharge end.

The total head at the inlet to the pipe is 40 m. Taking f = 0.01 for the pipe, determine the maximum power transmitted.

b)     What is a gear pump and state the difference between an internal and an external type of such pump.                                                                                            [8+8]


3 a)     Derive an expression for the force exerted on a vertical plate moving in the direction of jet.

b)     A 15 m/s velocity jet of water 5 cm in diameter strikes perpendicularly a smooth flat plate. Determine the force exerted by the jet on the plate if the plate is at rest and if it moves in the direction of the jet with a velocity of 5 m/s. Also determine the work done in each case and the efficiency of the jet in the second case. [6+10]


4.         A reaction turbine works at 460 rpm under a head of 110 meters. Its diameter

at inlet is 115 cms and the flow area is 0.03 metre2. The angles made by the absolute velocity and relative velocity at inlet are respectively 180 and 500 with the tangential velocity. Determine:

a)      The volume flow rate b)     The H.P. developed

c)     The efficiency

Assume whirl at outlet to be zero.                                                                     [16]


5. a)    One Pelton wheel develops 15MW power under a head of 360m at 450 rpm.

What is its specific speed? What would be its normal speed and output under a head of 145m .

b)      Explain what you understand by unit speed, unit power and unit discharge

of turbine.                                                                                                        [10+6]

6. a)    Define;  slip,  percentage  slip,  negative  slip  and  coefficient  of  discharge  of reciprocating pump,

b)    The diameter and stoke length of a single action reciprocating pump are 100mm and 300mm respectively. The water is lifted to a height of 20 m above the center of the pump. Find the maximum speed at which the pump may be run so that no separation occurs during the delivery stroke if the diameter and length of delivery pipe are 50 mm and 25 m respectively. Separation occurs if the absolute pressure head in the cylinder during delivery stroke falls bellow 2.50m of water. Take atmospheric pressure head = 10.3 m of water. Take f=0.018.                       [8+8]


7. a)     Explain how the centrifugal pump is equivalent to the reverse of a reaction turbine.

b)     Differentiate between

i.         Mechanical efficiency ii.        Volumetric efficiency

iii.       Manometric efficiency.                                                             [8+8]


8. a)    What do you understand by multistage pump? When do you use them?

b)    What do you understand by pumps in parallel? When do you connect the pumps in parallel?                                                                                                         [8+8]






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