Thursday, June 27, 2013


Code No:  R05311803                    R05          Set No.   2



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

HEAT TREATMENT  TECHNOLOGY Metallurgy And Material Technology

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1. Distinguish  among the following:


(a)  Martempering  and austempering


(b)  Upper bainite  and lower bainite


(c)  Ms  temperature and Mf   temperature.                                                 [6+5+5]


2.   (a)  Discuss the important characteristics of maraging steels?


(b)  Mention different types of stainless steels and explain them fully?          [7+9]


3.   (a)  What is plasma carburising?  How is methane gas ionized to cause carburizing?

What  are the advantages  and limitation  of plasma carburizing?


(b)  What  is the necessity of heat treatment after carburizing?  Explain.  On what factors does the  heat  treatment depend?  Discuss what  is double heat  treat- ment.                                                                                                                 [8+8]


4.   (a)  Discuss the functions of Nickel in maraging steels.


(b)  What  is the difference in heat treatment between 18% Ni and the 25% Nickel maraging steels?


(c)  Explain why the maraging steels have excellent fracture  toughness values. [4+6+6]


5.   (a)  Why is copper a suitable  material  for automobile  radiators?


(b)  Why aluminium alloy 2017 rivets have to be refrigerated  until used? Explain. (c)  Why are the Cu-Zinc alloys are not age-hardneable.  Discuss.

(d)  Why various combinations of stregth,  ductility  can be obtained  in Alpha-Beta titanium alloys.                                                                                      [4+4+4+4]

6.   (a)  Give the classification of steels based on carbon content and alloy content. (b)  Define and explain the term tempering.  Explain the affect of various alloying

elements on tempering  process.                                                                     [8+8]

7.   (a)  What are the factors which control graphitization in cast irons? Explain them. (b)  What  is equivalent carbon in cast irons? What is the significance of equivalent

carbon?  How is it determined.


(c)  Explain the factors that  influence the microstructure of cast irons.    [6+6+4]





Code No:  R05311803                    R05          Set No.   2



8.   (a)  With the help of a neat sketch explain the working of a bottom loading vacuum furnace.  What  are its advantages  and limitation  compared  to other  types of vacuum furnaces?


(b)  What are the commonly used heating  elements?  Give the maximum  temper- atures  for which they can be used.                                                              [12+4]



? ? ? ? ?



























































Code No:  R05311803                    R05          Set No.   4



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

HEAT TREATMENT  TECHNOLOGY Metallurgy And Material Technology

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1.   (a)  Why is copper a suitable  material  for automobile  radiators?


(b)  Why aluminium alloy 2017 rivets have to be refrigerated  until used? Explain. (c)  Why are the Cu-Zinc alloys are not age-hardneable.  Discuss.

(d)  Why various combinations of stregth,  ductility  can be obtained  in Alpha-Beta titanium alloys.                                                                                      [4+4+4+4]


2.   (a)  What is plasma carburising?  How is methane gas ionized to cause carburizing?

What  are the advantages  and limitation  of plasma carburizing?


(b)  What is the necessity of heat treatment after carburizing?  Explain.  On what factors does the  heat  treatment depend?  Discuss what  is double heat  treat- ment.                                                                                                                 [8+8]


3.   (a)  Discuss the functions of Nickel in maraging steels.


(b)  What is the difference in heat treatment between 18% Ni and the 25% Nickel maraging steels?


(c)  Explain why the maraging steels have excellent fracture  toughness values. [4+6+6]


4. Distinguish  among the following:


(a)  Martempering  and austempering


(b)  Upper bainite  and lower bainite


(c)  Ms  temperature and Mf   temperature.                                                 [6+5+5]


5.   (a)  Discuss the important characteristics of maraging steels?


(b)  Mention different types of stainless steels and explain them fully?          [7+9]

6.   (a)  Give the classification of steels based on carbon content and alloy content. (b)  Define and explain the term tempering.  Explain the affect of various alloying

elements on tempering  process.                                                                     [8+8]

7.   (a)  What are the factors which control graphitization in cast irons? Explain them. (b)  What  is equivalent carbon in cast irons? What is the significance of equivalent

carbon?  How is it determined.


(c)  Explain the factors that  influence the microstructure of cast irons.    [6+6+4]





Code No:  R05311803                    R05          Set No.   4



8.   (a)  With the help of a neat sketch explain the working of a bottom loading vacuum furnace.  What  are its advantages  and limitation  compared  to other  types of vacuum furnaces?


(b)  What are the commonly used heating  elements?  Give the maximum  temper- atures  for which they can be used.                                                              [12+4]



? ? ? ? ?



























































Code No:  R05311803                    R05          Set No.   1



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

HEAT TREATMENT  TECHNOLOGY Metallurgy And Material Technology

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1.   (a)  What is plasma carburising?  How is methane gas ionized to cause carburizing?

What  are the advantages  and limitation  of plasma carburizing?


(b)  What is the necessity of heat treatment after carburizing?  Explain.  On what factors does the  heat  treatment depend?  Discuss what  is double heat  treat- ment.                                                                                                                 [8+8]


2.   (a)  With the help of a neat sketch explain the working of a bottom loading vacuum furnace.  What  are its advantages  and limitation  compared  to other  types of vacuum furnaces?


(b)  What are the commonly used heating  elements?  Give the maximum  temper- atures  for which they can be used.                                                              [12+4]

3.   (a)  What are the factors which control graphitization in cast irons? Explain them. (b)  What  is equivalent carbon in cast irons? What is the significance of equivalent

carbon?  How is it determined.


(c)  Explain the factors that  influence the microstructure of cast irons.    [6+6+4]


4.   (a)  Discuss the functions of Nickel in maraging steels.


(b)  What  is the difference in heat treatment between 18% Ni and the 25% Nickel maraging steels?


(c)  Explain why the maraging steels have excellent fracture  toughness values. [4+6+6]


5.   (a)  Discuss the important characteristics of maraging steels?


(b)  Mention different types of stainless steels and explain them fully?          [7+9]


6.   (a)  Why is copper a suitable  material  for automobile  radiators?


(b)  Why aluminium alloy 2017 rivets have to be refrigerated  until used? Explain. (c)  Why are the Cu-Zinc alloys are not age-hardneable.  Discuss.

(d)  Why various combinations of stregth,  ductility  can be obtained  in Alpha-Beta titanium alloys.                                                                                      [4+4+4+4]


7. Distinguish  among the following:


(a)  Martempering  and austempering


(b)  Upper bainite  and lower bainite




Code No:  R05311803                    R05          Set No.   1



(c)  Ms  temperature and Mf   temperature.                                                 [6+5+5]

8.   (a)  Give the classification of steels based on carbon content and alloy content. (b)  Define and explain the term tempering.  Explain the affect of various alloying

elements on tempering  process.                                                                     [8+8]



? ? ? ? ?




























































Code No:  R05311803                    R05          Set No.   3



III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010

HEAT TREATMENT  TECHNOLOGY Metallurgy And Material Technology

Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All  Questions carry equal marks

? ? ? ? ?



1.   (a)  Give the classification of steels based on carbon content and alloy content. (b)  Define and explain the term tempering.  Explain the affect of various alloying

elements on tempering  process.                                                                     [8+8]


2.   (a)  What is plasma carburising?  How is methane gas ionized to cause carburizing?

What  are the advantages  and limitation  of plasma carburizing?


(b)  What is the necessity of heat treatment after carburizing?  Explain.  On what factors does the  heat  treatment depend?  Discuss what  is double heat  treat- ment.                                                                                                                 [8+8]

3.   (a)  What are the factors which control graphitization in cast irons? Explain them. (b)  What is equivalent carbon in cast irons? What is the significance of equivalent

carbon?  How is it determined.


(c)  Explain the factors that  influence the microstructure of cast irons.    [6+6+4]


4.   (a)  Discuss the important characteristics of maraging steels?


(b)  Mention different types of stainless steels and explain them fully?          [7+9]


5.   (a)  Why is copper a suitable  material  for automobile  radiators?


(b)  Why aluminium alloy 2017 rivets have to be refrigerated  until used? Explain. (c)  Why are the Cu-Zinc alloys are not age-hardneable.  Discuss.

(d)  Why various combinations of stregth,  ductility  can be obtained  in Alpha-Beta titanium alloys.                                                                                      [4+4+4+4]


6.   (a)  Discuss the functions of Nickel in maraging steels.


(b)  What  is the difference in heat treatment between 18% Ni and the 25% Nickel maraging steels?


(c)  Explain why the maraging steels have excellent fracture  toughness values. [4+6+6]


7. Distinguish  among the following:


(a)  Martempering  and austempering


(b)  Upper bainite  and lower bainite


(c)  Ms  temperature and Mf   temperature.                                                 [6+5+5]





Code No:  R05311803                    R05          Set No.   3



8.   (a)  With the help of a neat sketch explain the working of a bottom loading vacuum furnace.  What  are its advantages  and limitation  compared  to other  types of vacuum furnaces?


(b)  What are the commonly used heating  elements?  Give the maximum  temper- atures  for which they can be used.                                                              [12+4]



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