Thursday, June 27, 2013


Code No:  R05310503                    R05          Set No.   2

III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010
Common to IT, E.COMP.E,  E.CONT.E,  EIE, CSE, CSSE
Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All  Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?

1.   (a)  How can logical address  space be contiguous  if the  physical address  space is not contiguous?  Explain.

(b)  What is the purpose of TLB?

(c)  What  is a paging demon?  What  does it do?

(d)  Compare swapping and overlays.                                                         [4+4+4+4]

2. Write  the short notes on the following

(a)  Race Condition

(b)  Process Interaction                                                                                       [8+8]

3. Explain about  protection  technique  of critical section in LINUX.                       [16]

4.   (a)  Why is the  average search time to find a record in a file less for an indexed sequential  file than  for a sequential  file? Explain.

(b)  What  is the difference between a file and a database?

(c)  What  are typical operations  that may be performed on a directory?  [6+4+6]

5. Define Real-time  operating  systems.  Explain  their  importance  in various applica- tions.                                                                                                                             [16]

6. Draw and explain process state  transition diagram  with two suspended states.


7.   (a)  Give the classification of intruders. Explain each class.

(b)  Compare User-Oriented  access control with data-oriented access control. [8+8]

8.   (a)  What  is the difference between logical I/O  and device I/O?

(b)  Explain feed back scheduling policy.                                                             [8+8]

? ? ? ? ?


Code No:  R05310503                    R05          Set No.   4

III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010
Common to IT, E.COMP.E,  E.CONT.E,  EIE, CSE, CSSE
Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All  Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?

1. Explain about  protection  technique  of critical section in LINUX.                       [16]

2.   (a)  Give the classification of intruders. Explain each class.

(b)  Compare User-Oriented  access control with data-oriented access control. [8+8]

3. Draw and explain process state  transition diagram  with two suspended states.


4.   (a)  How can logical address  space be contiguous  if the  physical address  space is not contiguous?  Explain.

(b)  What is the purpose of TLB?

(c)  What  is a paging demon?  What  does it do?

(d)  Compare swapping and overlays.                                                         [4+4+4+4]

5. Define Real-time  operating  systems.  Explain  their  importance  in various applica- tions.                                                                                                                             [16]

6.   (a)  What  is the difference between logical I/O  and device I/O?

(b)  Explain feed back scheduling policy.                                                             [8+8]

7.   (a)  Why is the  average search time to find a record in a file less for an indexed sequential  file than  for a sequential  file? Explain.

(b)  What  is the difference between a file and a database?

(c)  What  are typical operations  that may be performed on a directory?  [6+4+6]

8. Write  the short notes on the following

(a)  Race Condition

(b)  Process Interaction                                                                                       [8+8]

? ? ? ? ?


Code No:  R05310503                    R05          Set No.   1

III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010
Common to IT, E.COMP.E,  E.CONT.E,  EIE, CSE, CSSE
Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All  Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?

1.   (a)  What  is the difference between logical I/O  and device I/O?

(b)  Explain feed back scheduling policy.                                                             [8+8]

2.   (a)  How can logical address  space be contiguous  if the  physical address  space is not contiguous?  Explain.

(b)  What is the purpose of TLB?

(c)  What  is a paging demon?  What  does it do?

(d)  Compare swapping and overlays.                                                         [4+4+4+4]

3.   (a)  Why is the  average search time to find a record in a file less for an indexed sequential  file than  for a sequential  file? Explain.

(b)  What  is the difference between a file and a database?

(c)  What  are typical operations  that may be performed on a directory?  [6+4+6]

4. Explain about  protection  technique  of critical section in LINUX.                       [16]

5.   (a)  Give the classification of intruders. Explain each class.

(b)  Compare User-Oriented  access control with data-oriented access control. [8+8]

6. Write  the short notes on the following

(a)  Race Condition

(b)  Process Interaction                                                                                       [8+8]

7. Define Real-time  operating  systems.  Explain  their  importance  in various applica- tions.                                                                                                                             [16]

8. Draw and explain process state  transition diagram  with two suspended states. [16]

? ? ? ? ?


Code No:  R05310503                    R05          Set No.   3

III  B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations,June 2010
Common to IT, E.COMP.E,  E.CONT.E,  EIE, CSE, CSSE
Time: 3 hours                                                                                  Max Marks:  80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All  Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?

1. Explain about  protection  technique  of critical section in LINUX.                       [16]

2. Draw and explain process state  transition diagram  with two suspended states.


3.   (a)  Why is the  average search time to find a record in a file less for an indexed sequential  file than  for a sequential  file? Explain.

(b)  What is the difference between a file and a database?

(c)  What  are typical operations  that  may be performed on a directory?  [6+4+6]

4. Define Real-time  operating  systems.  Explain  their  importance  in various applica- tions.                                                                                                                             [16]

5.   (a)  How can logical address  space be contiguous  if the  physical address  space is not contiguous?  Explain.

(b)  What  is the purpose of TLB?

(c)  What  is a paging demon?  What  does it do?

(d)  Compare swapping and overlays.                                                         [4+4+4+4]

6.   (a)  What  is the difference between logical I/O  and device I/O?

(b)  Explain feed back scheduling policy.                                                             [8+8]

7. Write  the short notes on the following

(a)  Race Condition

(b)  Process Interaction                                                                                       [8+8]

8.   (a)  Give the classification of intruders. Explain each class.

(b)  Compare User-Oriented  access control with data-oriented access control. [8+8]

? ? ? ? ?


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